


2016-01-29来源: 互联网浏览量:

   例2-3: Ligia

  At the end of the year, Ligia had gone(2) home to Colombia.This year I’m busy with senior activities and with a part-time job. I’m, trying to save enough to go see my new sister nest year.

  2.A. no change

  B. will have gone

  C. went

  D. goes

  3.Which of the following true sentences, if inserted here, would best concludethe essay as well as maintain the positive tone established earlier in theessay?

  F. I’mafraid of flying, but I think I’ll be OK. G. I’meager to eventually join the workforce fulltime. H. I’vebeen practicing my Spanish – and my dance steps. J.Senior activities are o lot of fun.

  例2的正确答案是C选项。这是一道考察句子中动词时态的题目。这个句子描述的是那一年的年底发生的事(at the end of the year),所以应该是一般过去时态。

  例3的正确答案是H选项。这是一篇文章的最后一段,在这篇文章中,作者讲述了自己和一个来自哥伦比亚的交换学生(Ligia)一起生活、学习的愉快经历。Ligia寄住在作者家中,教作者西班牙语和跳舞,他们还一起学习法语,结下了深厚的友谊。在本段,Ligia结束了在美国的生活,回到了自己的国家,作者表达了对她的思念。由于是描述愉快的经历,整篇文章的叙述都是欢快而喜悦的。 第3题

  which of the following expresses the number of feets a contestant must travel in a 3-lap race where the course is a circle of radius R feets? (一个半径R英尺的圆,一个人绕走3圈,走了多长)

  A 3r B 3派R C 3派R*R D 6R E 6派R (派是圆周率,不知道怎么输入,*是乘号)

本文关键字:ACT考试 ACT真题
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