


2016-07-18来源: 互联网浏览量:


  1.In order to A(prepare for the) speech he B(was given) to all of the parents and teachers at the school, George practiced speaking C(in front of) a group of D(his friends). E(No error)

  Answer Choices

  (A) A

  (B) B

  (C) C

  (D) D

  (E) E

  2.The tiger a (usually) hunts by night and b (feeds on) a variety of animals, c (but it) prefers fairly large prey d (such as) deer and wild pigs. e (No error)

  Answer Choices

  (A) A

  (B) B

  (C) C

  (D) D

  (E) E

  3.A(The introduction of) elevators in hotels meant that B(previously undesirable) rooms on the top floors, C(away from) the bustle and noise of the street, became sought after and more expensive than D(the lower floors). E(No error)

  (A) A

  (B) B

  (C) C

  (D) D

  (E) E

  4.Besides a (conserving) forest resources, recycling produces fewer pollutants b (than does) the conventional pulping and bleaching processes c (that) are normally used d (to create) paper. e (No error)

  Answer Choices

  (A) A

  (B) B

  (C) C

  (D) D

  (E) E

  5.A(Most) of the world’s B(sharks, living) in temperate and tropical regions, C(though) the Greenland shark lives in the cold Arctic waters, and the huge basking shark is at home in the seas D(around Antarctica). E(No error)

  (A) A

  (B) B

  (C) C

  (D) D

  (E) E

编辑: alex