


2016-07-21来源: 互联网浏览量:


  1.Long a (one of the) favorite characters b (of) American folklore, Hiawatha c (is) best known d (to be) the hero of Henry Wadsworth Longfellow’s narrative poem The Song of Hiawatha. e (No error)

  (A) A

  (B) B

  (C) C

  (D) D

  (E) E

  2.The newspaper a (reported) that despite the increase b (in) the minimum wage, many people c (are) still d (having trouble) making ends meet. e (No error)

  (A) A

  (B) B

  (C) C

  (D) D

  (E) E

  3.Unbelievable a (as it may seem), many individuals b (that fought) in the American Revolution c (were still alive) in 1839, d (the year) the world was introduced to photography. e (No error)

  Answer Choices

  (A) A

  (B) B

  (C) C

  (D) D

  (E) E

  4.The students a (have discovered) that b (they) can address issues more effectively c (through) letter-writing campaigns d (and not) through public demonstrations. e (No error)

  Answer Choices

  (A) A

  (B) B

  (C) C

  (D) D

  (E) E

  5.Today a (more than) two million Mayan Indians b (live in) northern Yucatán and highland Guatemala in a manner c (similar to) d (those of) their ancestors. e (No error)

  Answer Choices

  (A) A

  (B) B

  (C) C

  (D) D

  (E) E

  6.a (After) hours of futile debate, the committee has decided b (to postpone) further discussion c (of the resolution) until d (their) next meeting. e (No error)

  Answer Choices

  (A) A

  (B) B

  (C) C

  (D) D

  (E) E

编辑: alex