

双语阅读 特朗普取消奥巴马遏制全球变暖举措

2017-03-31来源: 互联网浏览量:

  BBC News with Julie Candler.

  Donald Trump has signed an executive orderoverturning measures put in place by Barack Obamato curb global warming in a move the president described as ending the war on coal. The new measures include lifting restrictions on green-house gas emissions by coal-fired power stations.The mining industry has welcomed the move.

  Germany’s federal prosecutor has opened an investigation into suspected spying by Ankara onTurks living in Germany. It follows reports that Turkish intelligence handed to its German counterpart a list of alleged supporters of the man Ankara blames for last year’s failed coup—the US-based Muslim cleric Fethullah Gulen. Germany’s interior minister said spying by Ankaraon Turks living in Germany was criminal and would not be tolerated.

  The Colombian government says it will overrule the result of a referendum held on Sunday,where almost all the town’s residents voted against a new gold mining project, which they fearwill damage the environment and pollute water sources. The mining minister said thereferendum had no power to change the law.

  The Scottish parliament has voted in favour of making a formal request to the government inLondon to hold a new independence referendum. Scotland voted in 2014 to remain part of the United Kingdom, but Scotland’s first minister said circumstances have changed now that Britainis leaving the European Union.

  A top US military commander in Iraq, Lieutenant-General Steve Townsend, has acknowledged that the United States was probably involved in an explosion in western Mosul that killed manycivilians earlier this month. Local sources put the number of dead at 150.

  A Japanese man in his 60s has become the first person to undergo a groundbreaking surgeryaimed at saving his sight. A new kind of stem cell created from mature donor cells were usedto treat a degenerative condition in the patient’s eyes.

  BBC News.



  Julie Candler为您报道BBC新闻。


  德国联邦检察官针对安卡拉涉嫌对居住在德国的土耳其人实施间谍行为一案展开调查。此前有报道称,土耳其情报部门向德国情报机构递交了一份名单,上面的人被指是去年军事政变主谋——美国穆斯林牧师法土拉·葛兰(Fethullah Gulen)的支持者。德国内政部长表示,安卡拉对居住在德国的土耳其人的监控是犯罪行为,绝对不会姑息。



  伊拉克一名美国高级军事指挥官,中将汤森(Stephen Townsend)承认美国可能参与了本月早些时候在摩苏尔西部导致大量平民死亡的爆炸。当地知情人士称死亡人数高达150人。




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