


2016-09-27来源: 互联网浏览量:


  Actions speak louder than words.

  What we do is more important than what we say.

  SSAT写作素材:In his victory speech, Barack Obama calls for change and the strength of Americans to fight the depression of American economy. He was downright confident that he could turn things around. He even won the 2010 Nobel prize for his eloquence. But his over-confidence and speech has no help in front of the reality of America economy; he has been proved to have done little in this campaign. His health care reform has been questioned from many sides.

  Speech is great, but silence is greater.

  Better to remain silent and be thought a fool than to speak out and remove all doubt.

  SSAT写作素材:You could interpret this multiple ways. one way would be, if 2 people were getting into an argument and one person decides to simply keep his mouth shut and the other person continues to keep on and on, obviously the person who kept arguing would be seen as a "lower" or "smaller" person. Another way to look at it would be literally. it's great when people talk and tell their opinion but it gets old. nobody wants to hear someone talk 24/7. sometimes it is just better not to talk.


  Richard Nixon

  The silent majority

  In 1969, instead of announcing the end to the war that he had promised in the campaign, Nixon outlined his policy of “Vietnamization”, which provided for American troop reductions but a continuation of fighting. He repeated what he had argued before: the United States had to achieve "peace with honor" and to avoid an overly sudden withdrawal. At the end of the speech, he called for the "great silent majority" to support him in this goal. an administration official clarified Nixon's concept of "silent majority": a "large and normally undemonstrative cross section of the country that until last night refrained from articulating its opinions on the war." Nixon's continuation of the war resulted in the invasion of Cambodia in April, 1970 -- and a far greater number of "demonstrations in the streets" than he could have imagined.








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