


2018-01-11来源: 互联网浏览量:



  192 facets forms

  193 faithfully accurately

  194 favorable advantageous

  195 favored preferred

  196 feat achievement

  197 features aspects

  198 fluctuations variations

  199 fluid liquid

  200 focused concentrated

  201 formulate investigate

  202 fortunately luckily

  203 found wanting judged inadequate

  204 foundation basis

  205 founding building/establishment

  206 fragile delicate

  207 fragments pieces

  208 fulfills achieves

  209 furnished equipped

  210 furthermore in addition


  211 garment article of clothing

  212 generally usually

  213 generating producing

  214 gradual slow

  215 gradually slowly


  216 harness utilize

  217 hastened hurried/rushed/sped up

  218 hazardous dangerous

  219 hence thus

  220 hierarchy system of ranking

  221 his imitator the people who copied him(语境中的含义)

  222 honored respected


  223 ideal perfect

  224 identical the same

  225 identifiable recognizable

  226 immense enormous/huge

  227 imminent about to happen

  228 immune to unaffected by

  229 implications consequences

  230 impressive remarkable

  231 improbable unlikely

  232 impulse to push toward

  233 in isolation alone

  234 in retrospect in reconsidering the past/think in reconsideration

  235 inadvertently accidentally/unintentionally

  236 inanimate lifeless

  237 incentive motivation

  238 inconclusive not definitive

  239 inconspicuous not easily noticed

  240 indefinitely endlessly

  241 indispensable essential

  242 inevitable unavoidable

  243 inevitably necessarily

  244 ingenious clever

  245 ingenuity inventiveness

  246 ingestion swallowing

  247 inhabitant resident

  248 inherent built-in

  249 inhospitable unlikely

  250 initially at first

  251 initiate introduce/start/begin

  252 innovation change

  253 insisting stating forcefully

  254 install put in place

  255 intact whole/without breaking into pieces

  256 integral essential

  257 integrated combined

  258 integration unit

  259 intend plan

  260 intense extreme/strong

  261 intermittently periodically

  262 interpret understand

  263 intricate complex

  264 intriguing fascinating

  265 intrusive unwelcome

  266 invariable always

  267 investigate examine

  268 isolated widely separated


  269 jeopardized endangered


  270 keen intense/sharp

  271 kept in check prevented


  272 launched started

  273 leftover remaining

  274 lucrative profitable


  275 magnitude extent

  276 maintained claimed

  277 maintaining keeping

  278 manageable easy to handle

  279 manifestations expressions

  280 manipulate handle/skillfully use

  281 margins limits

  282 massively extensively/substantially

  283 matches agrees with

  284 mechanisms means

  285 mere only

  286 methodically systematically

  287 mimic reproduce

  288 mobilize put into action

  289 modest relatively small

  290 modify change

  291 monumental enormous

  292 moral lesson

  293 more robust stronger

  294 motivated encouraged

  295 motives reasons

  296 mutual shared


  297 Nonetheless even so

  298 notorious for well-known for


  299 oblige force

  300 observation finding

  301 obsolete out of date

  302 obtained gathered

  303 obvious clear

  304 occasionally sometimes

  305 on balance overall

  306 ongoing continuing

  307 optimal ideal

  308 optimal favorable

  309 optimum ideal

  310 ornamented decorated

  311 outbreak sudden increase


  312 painstakingly with great effort

  313 parallel develop at the same time and rate/match

  314 peak high point

  315 peculiar to unique to

  316 perceive see

  317 perfected completed/improved

  318 periodically at regular intervals of time

  319 permanent constant

  320 perplexing puzzling

  321 persistent lasting

  322 persuasive convincing

  323 pertinent relevant

  324 pierced broke through

  325 pioneering original

  326 plague cause trouble for

  327 plausible reasonable

  328 plentiful abundant/numerous

  329 pointed out stated

  330 posed presented

  331 potential possible

  332 pragmatic practical

  333 precise accurate

  334 predominantly mainly

  335 predominate are in the majority

  336 preeminent main

  337 prelude to introductory step to

  338 preponderance majority

  339 prerequisite requirement

  340 presumably it is reasonable to assume/probably

  341 presumed supposed

  342 prevail dominate

  343 prevailing dominant

  344 profound strong

  345 profoundly deeply

  346 prohibit prevent

  347 prolonged extended

  348 promote encourage

  349 promoting encouraging

  350 prone to subject to

  351 proper appropriate

  352 properties characteristics

  353 proponents supporters

  354 proportion size

  355 prosperous successful

  356 proximate close distance from

  357 proximity closeness

  358 pursue practice

  359 pursuit possession

  360 put up with tolerate


  361 radically extremely

  362 rebound recover

  363 recognized accepted

  364 reconcile bring together

  365 recover to return to normal

  366 refine improve

  367 refinement improvement

  368 regimes governments

  369 reinforcing strengthening

  370 related to in proportion to

  371 relatively comparatively

  372 relentless without pause

  373 reliance dependence

  374 rely depend

  375 remarkable impressive

  376 remarkably close extremely close

  377 remnants remainders

  378 remote distant/isolated

  379 renowned famous

  380 repel drive away

  381 repetitive happening many times

  382 replicating copying

  383 resolved settled

  384 respective in the order presented

  385 restricted limited

  386 resultant consequent

  387 retained kept

  388 retention keeping

  389 revealed showed

  390 revered greatly admired

  391 rival competing

  392 robust healthy

  393 roughly approximately

  394 routine common

  395 routinely often/regularly

  396 rudimentary elementary/primitive/simple

  397 ruled out excluded


  398 sabotaged intentionally damaged

  399 scarcity of lacking in

  400 scarcity insufficiency

  401 scattered distributed/spread apart

  402 scenario version of events

  403 secreted created(语境中的含义)

  404 scrutiny close observation

  405 securing getting

  406 segregated separated

  407 seldom rarely

  408 self-sufficiency independence

  409 self-sufficient independent

  410 sensitive to responsible for

  411 sentimental emotional

  412 severely greatly

  413 severity harshness/seriousness

  414 shallow having little depth

  415 significance importance

  416 significant considerable

  417 simultaneously at the same time

  418 skeptical doubtful

  419 soar increase

  420 sophisticated complex

  421 sophistication complexity

  422 sparse thinly distributed

  423 specified stated/typical

  424 spectacular remarkable

  425 speculate understand/guess

  426 stamina endurance

  427 startled surprised

  428 stationary fixed

  429 steadily continuously

  430 stimulated encouraged

  431 striking dramatic/noteworthy

  432 subdue defeat

  433 submerged put under water

  434 subsequent later

  435 subsistence survival

  436 substantial significant

  437 substantially largely/significantly

  438 succeeding following

  439 sufficient adequate/enough

  440 suitable appropriate

  441 supplement add to

  442 supplementary additional

  443 surge sharp rise/sudden growth

  444 surplus excess/extra/the amount that exceed

  445 suspicion distrust

  446 sustain continue/support

  447 swift fast/quick

  448 synthesizing combining


  449 tactic strategy/method

  450 take precedence over have greater importance than

  451 task job

  452 tending taking care of

  453 thereby consequently

  454 thus as a result/therefore/in this way/consequently

  455 transparent images can be seen through them without obstruction

  456 triggered initiated

  457 triggering starting

  458 twenty or so roughly twenty

  459 typically specifically

  460 typified characterized


  461 ultimately eventually

  462 unambiguous clear

  463 undesirable unsatisfactory

  464 undoubtedly certainly

  465 unethical improper

  466 unfavorable disadvantageous

  467 uniform constant

  468 unintentional accidental/unplanned

  469 unprecedented never seen before

  470 unpredictable uncertain

  471 unpromising unfavorable

  472 unrivaled unequaled

  473 vacated emptied

  474 vanishes disappears

  475 vast huge

  476 velocity speed

  477 verging bordering

  478 verifying confirming

  479 vicinity neighborhood/region

  480 virtually almost completely

  481 vulnerable unprotected


  482 was heightened increased

  483 widespread common

  484 witnessed experienced




编辑: keri