


2017-04-28来源: 啄木鸟教育浏览量:



  Some young people are free in the evenings or have days off at school, which way can bring them the most benefit?

  1、to accumulate work experience by a part-time job or volunteering in a community

  2、learning to play a sport

  3、learning to play a musical instrument




  Holidays with bright sunshine and golden beach are always the best image in our mind, but for young people, when they are facing the choices between part-time jobs, learning to play sports or musical instruments, most of them may feel confused. As to me, I suggest to grasp the opportunities to accumulate my working experience, which have already made a mass of students great beneficiaries.

  第一句从题干出发说明三个选择情况,第二句摆明观点。有的学生会把第一句写成“照抄题干”,没有自己的发挥,这里“Holidays with bright sunshine and golden beach are always the best image in our mind”就值得借鉴了。


  grasp the opportunities to... 抓住...的机会

  a mass of ... 大量的

  make sb beneficiaries 使某人成为受益者

  The first benefit is to make them well-prepared for future challenges in workplace. Without the experience of part-time jobs or internship, students are restricted by schooling where they just learn about the theoretical knowledge, regardless of how much these books are related to their future career. Clearly, those fresh graduates will get a strong sense of frustration. On the contrary, if experiencing this gap in advance, they are trained to combine what they have learnt from books with the social practice, which eventually makes them easy when facing the realities after graduation. Compared with the future benefits, the current pain, clearly, doesn’t matter.



  well-prepared 准备良好的

  be restricted by·被……限制

  regardless of 不顾,不管

  a sense of frustration 挫败感

  Aside from good preparation, interpersonal skill is another necessity that everyone needs to attain before they entry the workplace. According to the survey conducted by Academic of Social Science, those graduates who have experienced the working environment during college time for more than 3 month are triple likely to be employed than those who have never got trains before for the reason that they clearly perform much better in cooperation and leadership. We have seen too many cases how the experienced graduates avoid communication problems and push up the teamwork efficiency. I don’t think they are born with such ability, so if students want to make themselves more outstanding over their rivals, they need to take part-time job in their free time.

  论点一:提前积累工作经验能够提高个人工作技能。通过Academic of Social Science的调查数据来证明论点,这点很值得借鉴,在平时可以积累一些数据型的论据。


  necessity 需要;必然性;必需品

  push up 增加;提高

  efficiency 效率

  more outstanding over their rivals 比他们的对手更突出

  When I talk with some parents about this issue, they think that since their kids have interest in that, it is reasonable to arrange sport and music time in their holiday. How much do they know about their school life? Actually, the students make full use of their pieces of time at school in such activities but, they hardly have chances to take part-time jobs, which usually need whole day or whole week. Accordingly, only during the holiday and vocation can they concentrate on their work.


  In conclusion, it is significant to encourage them to take part-time jobs. Only in this way can students really experience the huge distance between school and office and, more importantly, be well-developed into individuals.







编辑: Buddy