


2018-11-20来源: 啄木鸟教育浏览量:


  总论点:阅读:有个northwest passage的cruise会有潜在风险。听力反驳。


  1. 冰川(glacier)和冰原(ice sheet)会带来危险(冰山不易察觉和躲开)





  2.换燃料为low sulfur的燃料,不会污染。后来还提到人们亲眼见到温室效应,会提高保护意识。





  The lecture raises several arguments to counter the reading’s point thatthere are potential risks or concerns in the cruise of a northwest passage.

  First, while the reading believes that glaciers and ice sheet may betriggers for dangers, the lecture disagrees with it by telling that with alarge amount of research conducted by scientific research teams and helicoptersexploring paths at first, the cruise will not be dangerous.

  Second, the lecture points out that the fuel type will be changed into lowsulfur fuel and no pollution will be caused, which contradicts the reading thatsoot generated by engines will stay in snow and ice, thus contaminating theenvironment. Based on the lecture, with knowledge of global warming perhapsgained in the cruise by seeing the practical sceneries, people can promotetheir awareness of environmental protection and will not pollute theenvironment.

  Third,despite the concern from the reading that the cruise will disturb localinhabitants’ life, the lecture contends that this case is unlikely to happen.This is because only a limited number of people will travel there and visit acertain given community orderly. Therefore, local people’s normal life will notbe influenced.


  Agree or disagree:Competition between friends usually negatively impacts friendship.



  注意题目问的是: 同不同意朋友间的竞争对友谊有不好的影响,论证的落脚点要落到“友谊”,切忌抛开“友谊”空谈竞争的影响。



  好处1: 竞争可以让我们发现朋友的优点,增加了解,而这是拥有优质友谊的关键因素。

  好处2: 竞争可以促使朋友共同成长,有利于建立良性且长久的友谊。




  From my perspective, competition betweenfriends does not usually have repercussions on friendship. Instead, it bringsmore benefits to our companionship.

  First, competition provides us with afavorable opportunity to find our friends’ merits, thus contributing to ourdeeper understanding of them, a key component of high-quality friendship. Forinstance, in my high school, I always took the second place in various exams,while my friend, Amy, was the number one. Though eager for being the winner, Icalmed down to analyze why Amy performed so excellently and realized that Amywas outstanding in promoting her study efficiency. The more I have reflectedupon competition, the more I have admired and learned from Amy. It was myfurther understanding of Amy that pushed me to go closer to her. Consequently,with time passing by, we are still the best friends now. Such is a case in manyindividuals’ life. Hence, it is safe to conclude that competition enables us toknow more about our companions and opens our door to a closer friendship.

  Also, competition prompts us to progresstogether with friends, which further makes long-term companionship. Obviously,if we avoid vying with fellows and attempt to maintain a seemingly harmoniousrelation, will the so-called friendship be long-lasting? Conceivably, such anoccasion may exist in our day-to-day life but will never become the norm. Morecommonly, we compete with our friends, though sometimes with conflicts andunpleasant emotions, in the process of which we begin to perfect our skills offacing challenges and eventually embrace a better self together. What a rosyscene it is! In other words, competition may help to bring a win-win situationfor both sides and marching forwards with friends benefits our friendship.

  Granted, if we vie with our friends, they maybe hurt and even unwilling to share their feelings with us. Subsequently,conflicts, whether existing or potential ones generated by competition, may bea trigger for misunderstanding between friends. However, this fails to justifythe argument that competition usually has an adverse impact on our relationshipwith companions. If we can address problems partly mentioned above with ourinterpersonal skills, such as sincerely starting a conversation with our fellowsabout how to consider competition correctly, competition, at this time, willnot be a hurdle but a catalyst for a deep and long-lasting friendship.

  Conclusively, from where I stand, thepositive effects of competition on friendship far outweigh those negative ones.

编辑: wei