


2012-12-24来源: 网络浏览量:
  The songs of different species of birds vary and are generally typical of the species. In modern-day biology, bird song is typically analyzed using a sound spectrograph. Species vary greatly in the complexity of their songs and in the number of distinct kinds of song they sing (up to 3000 in the Brown Thrasher); individuals within some species vary in the same way. In a few species, such as lyrebirds and mockingbirds, songs imbed arbitrary elements learned in the individual's lifetime, a form of mimicry (though maybe better called "appropriation" [Ehrlich et al.], as the bird does not pass for another species). As early as 1773, it was established that birds learned calls, and cross-fostering experiments succeeded in making linnet Acanthis cannabina learn the song of a skylark, Alauda arvensis.⑴In many species, it appears that although the basic song is the same for all members of the species, young birds learn some details of their songs from their fathers, and these variations build up over generations to form dialects.⑵
  Song learning in juvenile birds occurs in two stages: sensory learning, which involves the juvenile listening to the father or other conspecific bird and memorizing the spectral and temporal qualities of the song (song template), and sensorimotor learning, which involves the juvenile bird producing its own vocalizations and practicing its song until it accurately matches the memorized song template.⑶During the sensorimotor learning phase, song production begins with highly variable sub-vocalizations called "sub-song", which is akin to babbling in human infants. Soon after, the juvenile song shows certain recognizable characteristics of the imitated adult song, but still lacks the stereotypy of the crystallized song – this is called "plastic song".⑷Finally, after two or three months of song learning and rehearsal (depending on species), the juvenile produces a crystallized song, characterized by spectral and temporal stereotypy (very low variability in syllable production and syllable order).⑸Some birds, such as Zebra Finches, which are the most popular species for birdsong research, have overlapping sensory and sensorimotor learning stages.⑹
  Research has indicated that birds' acquisition of song is a form of motor learning that involves regions of the basal ganglia. Further, the PDP has been considered homologous to a mammalian motor pathway originating in the cerebral cortex and descending through the brain stem, while the AFP has been considered homologous to the mammalian cortical pathway through the basal ganglia and thalamus.⑺Models of bird-song motor learning can be useful in developing models for how humans learn speech.⑻In some species such as Zebra Finches, learning of song is limited to the first year; they are termed "age-limited" or "close-ended" learners. Other species such as the canaries can develop new songs even as sexually mature adults; these are termed "open-ended" learners.⑼⑽
  Researchers have hypothesized that learned songs allow the development of more complex songs through cultural interaction, thus allowing intraspecies dialects that help birds to identify kin and to adapt their songs to different acoustic environments.⑾
  The Dialects of Birds⑿
  BIRDS sing in dialects as distinct to the avian ear as the difference between a Boston and Mississippi accent is to humans. But there has been a long debate over the significance, if any, of local differences in the songs of a particular species.
  According to one major theory, birds are inclined to choose a mate with the same dialect because that helps keep the local group together, thus selectively preserving inborn behavior patterns and capabilities that are most succesful in coping with the local environment.
  Scientists studying brown-headed cowbirds have developed a new theory. They believe the female bird cocks an educated ear to the accent of the male in choosing her mate, not so much from chauvinism as from the assurance that the right song means that the male is biologically fit.
  The new idea is proposed in the ornithological journal Condor by Stephen I. Rothstein of the University of California at Santa Barbara and Robert C. Fleischer of the University of Hawaii. Their theory is based on observations of the brown-headed cowbird in the eastern Sierra Nevadas. Cowbirds are notorious among bird fanciers because they lay their eggs in the nests of other species, thus shirking the duties of parenthood.
  The birds also have a considerable repertoire of sounds, including whistles in flight and elaborate songs used when they perch together. The female cowbirds respond respond more frequently to the local dialect than to males with a ''foreign'' accent.
  The scientists said it seemed to be difficult for a cowbird to learn a new dialect. If that is the case, they argue, the female is assured by the local accent that the male is mature and has been around long enough to demonstrate an ability to defend its local territory - in short, a biologically fit mate.
  Does this have any relevance to human accents? The researchers leave that conjecture to others.
  一个男生去找English教授,教授先谢谢他帮忙了一个conference。(不是主题啊,亲,这个事陷阱)之后男的说他的reading assignment 中遇到了问题(第一题主旨的答案),他不明白“language poetry”是神马意思,教授说这个东西其实是make sense的,因为它主要希望人们关注诗里的“language”(第二题,问教授对language poetry的看法)。学生说自己还是在读那些诗的时候,不明白想表达什么。教授说,这诗其实是希望你在读的过程中create your own idea。(第3题)学生说喔。教授如果还是不懂,可以看看Williams Carlos 的作品。(第4题)最后教授又说如果下次还有conference问学生还愿不愿意帮忙?
  Astronomy 重复20080517ML
  Venus是很bright的planet,所以很多人关注它,然后教授展示了梵高叔叔的一幅画《Starry Night》,但后说最右边是sun,左边靠近树的是Venus。(第2题问为什么要展示这副画)
  然后,有看了一幅画《White House at Night》后来就讲一群Texas的学生怎么确定Van Gogh画的是Venus(第1题,主旨题)首先是通过电脑弄地图,确定这个房子在法国的什么地方,(第3题),通过画中梵高的视角鉴定了只有三颗星可以从哪个方位被看到,然后走访法国,通过气象资料查处具体日期,(第6题重听题,教授问‘how do we know the exact date when the painting has made? Well, take another look at the painting. It is a nice night, right?’选‘explain an answer to his previous question’),最后,根据梵高写给他哥哥的信,查出那天是六月十六,最后确定了画中是金星。(第4题,多选,五选三,选letter,computer map,climate info.)
  然后才说道computer simulation的方法,通过模拟环境的program来研究原因,其中提到这种artificial society中生活的人被叫做agent。
  关于Anasazi比较特别的是我们掌握他们很多facts,有些事实数据可以用在computer simulation(第3题)
一个女的和管housing的叔叔说,希望能够organize 一个 charity project (第一题)因为上学期她自己的一些很重带不走的clothing啊blabla的没办法处理很可惜,她后来把它们放到一个box里面了,应该被别人拿走了(第二题)。她说自己联系到一个charity,他们有自己的store可以把这些当二手卖掉,并且可以预约他们来pick-up那些要捐赠的东西。(第三题)蜀黍很赞同,希望可以帮忙。他说自己几天后有个meeting可以见到那些manager.(重听题,选他愿意帮忙)还说可以把宣传贴在bulletin board 上,女生说想在school paper上登一个article(第四题)
  Film History 
教授叫学生回忆上节课讲的classic acting 的特点,学生说是用facial expression 和gestures 来表达emotion. 然后老师说,这个和naturalism是完全不同的。(第一题,选对比两种表演方式)说到n这个表演方式的一个特点是台词读得很慢,停顿是为了下一个情绪的转换做好准备。(第二题)然后说到了一个xx人(屏幕有名字)是这方面的牛人,讲了他的主张。学生提问说'was there...?' 老师升调重复'was there?'(第六题,重听,选老师很惊讶)教授提示学生想想这两个的不同,C只需要提前排练3天,N要提前排练20天,因为xx要和演员们交流。又说到学生们可以去看 这个play 就知道这两个的不同了。先说到这个里面的女主角是xx的wife, (第三题)然后非常详细的讲到了N和C在这里面的表现。(第四题)
  Milky way & Sagittarius
教授说要讲一个新的发现,milky way absorbs stars from other galaxy. (第一题,选findings about interaction between galaxies,好像是D选项)。教授说这个东西报纸上不一定有,至少不会在front page 因为他们更关注比如哪个星球适合人类居住之类的信息,而教授个人认为这个新发现很重要。(第二题,问提到报纸的目的,选教授认为它没有得到应有的重视) 
发现这个事实的过程,首先确定哪些stars是属于sagittarius,这是一件很难的事情,因为这个星系的星星很多invisible to us, (第三题),之后讲到了一种tech可以解决这个问题,所以就发现了很多星星被银河系suck up 了。(第四题) 然后说这个是怎么办到的, 原因是gravity force,就像earth和moon之间的引力引起了ocean tide一样。(第五题,问为什么提到earth and moon)
  SECTION 3经典加试:
  Task 1:
  Your friend just helped you move, talk about the things you would do to thank this friend.
Sample response
  I would do the following for a friend who just helped me move. First, I would buy him a big dinner for the labor. Moving can be such a pain in the neck. I will take him to his favorite restaurant and let him order anything he wants with a pitcher of ice cold beer. And of course I will take the bill, he won’t have to pay a cent. Also, I’ll make sure not to turn him down when he needs my help, and I will certainly be there to return the favor when he moves in the future.
  2.喜欢early class schedule 还是late class schedule
  Task 2
  Some students prefer to have an early class schedule with classes in the morning, others prefer to have a late class schedule so they can go to classes in the afternoon. Which one do you prefer? Explain why.
  Sample response
  I prefer to have an early class schedule for the following reasons. First of all, I don’t mind getting up early in the morning because I’m a morning person. I really like it when I can start my day early ‘cuz by the time I finish all my classes, It’d only be around noon, I would still have plenty of time to do my things before dinner. This means I can hang out with friends in the evening without getting behind schoolworks. On the other hand, having a late schedule means I’ll probably sleep in. It’ll be sun down already by the time I finish classes. I won’t have much time to do anything else after I finish my assignments.
  3.学生写信建议取消community service requirement,不同意1很多学生正是因为学校有 这方面要求才选择在这里读书,2有些学生可能不满意工作不努力但只是个例,学校整体印象对社区仍是积极的
  阅读:学生写信建议取消community service requirement
  4.strategic alliance,一个企业和其他企业联合整合资源和expertise,例子做一个巧克力的和一个做脆饼干(crispy pretzel)联合,开发巧克力涂层的饼干,大受欢迎
  阅读:核心术语:strategic alliance
  听力:举例:一个做巧克力的和一个做脆饼干的(crispy pretzel)联合,开发巧克力涂层的饼干,大受欢迎
  6.两种植物保护自己不被吃掉1有些草长刺,很锋利会割伤嘴,昆虫不敢吃,2 passion wine在叶子上长出yellow pump(fake egg)让毛毛虫认为已经有虫在上面产卵了而不吃他们
  举例二:passion wine在叶子上长出yellow pump(fake egg)让毛毛虫认为已经有虫在上面产卵了而不吃他们
  新型测谎仪(new lie detector)
  缺陷一:可用药物medication方法改变脑波brain activities 新测谎仪测不出谎言;
  缺陷二:新仪器过于敏感,无罪人士innocent truthful people  fore的不确定与焦虑等
  缺陷三:商业与政治场合对自己讨厌的人会假装 see pretend a little
  Do you agree or disagree with the following statement? It is better to choose a friend with whom you can have fun than to choose a friend that will help you when you are in need. Use specific examples to support your answer.
  I once saw a sign that said, “Friends are the family you choose for yourself.” Sometimes we have friends that are really fun to be around, but that does not qualify them as good friends. The best kinds of friends are the ones that are like family, the ones that will always be there for you when you need a hand.
  Fun friends are not always true friends. When I was in middle school, my best friend was a girl who was fun and very popular. Everybody wanted to be her friend. I felt really special because she let me sit next to her at lunch. She was really fun to be around, but whenever I really tried to talk to her, it seemed like she was ignoring me. After a while I realized that she really was not interested in anything I had to say. This made me feel like I was not a very interesting friend and lowered my self-esteem. I did not realize at the time that friends should never make you feel that way. As I got older, I realized that that kind of friendship is poisonous and therefore began choosing my friends more carefully.
  In addition, people that are quiet can also be fun. I realize that when finding friends you cannot “judge a book by its cover.” In high school I found a group of friends that at first seemed quiet and not very fun. However, we shared a lot of the same hobbies and after getting to know them better, I realized that they were really fun girls. Unlike my friends in middle school, these girls are caring and interested in what I have to say. When I have problems at school, they always take time to listen to me. Maybe they are not as outgoing as some people, but I know they truly care about me.
  Recently, I moved away from my hometown. When I moved away, I quickly realized who my true friends were. I tried to keep in contact with my all of my friends. I wrote to my fun and outgoing friends, but they never replied to my letters. My quiet friends were the most faithful correspondents. I was lonely when I first moved away and they helped me feel not so lonely. Moving away helped me learn who my true friends are.
  My best friends are like my sisters. They are fun to be around, but most importantly they are loyal and supportive. Whenever I have a bad day, I give one of them a call and they always make me feel better. I know from experience that sometimes the most fun and outgoing people are not always the best kind of friend. (455 words)

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