


2017-01-22来源: 啄木鸟教育浏览量:


  Conversation 1

  service encounters,学生去找管理Housing的职员要换一件宿舍。学生现在住的是single-room 因为暑假有课和工作。但是遇到问题是旁边宿舍太吵了影响了他的作息。想要换一间离他们远点的单人宿舍,但是employee 说发过邮件告知不能在暑假换,但是学生没收到。最终housing employee 还是给出了一些帮助,说是换一个double room 或者out of campus,但是学生都提出了质疑和自己的顾虑。因为没有单间了,最后cheap price 学生决定去double room。


  Conversation 2

  office hours,professor 一开始就在说学生的问题,没有理解一些课堂的知识点关于galaxy 的。Professor 强调是有2 个galaxy 类型,一个是minor 包括a large one & a small one, small one 是一个部分;major one 是same size 的几个。之后学生问到关于midterm考题是什么样的,professor 说会找一些particular subjects of ongoing research. 学生表示自己可能需要cancel time of laboratory. 之后讨论了课本上学生觉得没有的知识,professor强调sth on the textbook make sense,要学生去看理解。

  托福听力真题分析:这篇conversation依旧是当lecture考的,关于星系和星云话题,大家可以直接去听TPO36L3(Nebulae)、TPO42L2(Galaxy Clusters)积累学科知识和词汇。所谓的“天文学conversation”往往可能会涉及到比较专业的内容,比如2015年5月24日就涉及到major planet和minor planet的比较,为什么把冥王星Pluto降格为矮行星。同学们在听的时候一定要积极调动相关知识储备,做好心理准备。

  Lecture 1

  earth science,先提出flotsam science 理论,professor 介绍了一些ships 停留在海上,被冲走了,科学家通过tracing the movement of the ships 掌握了ocean currents 的一些规律。先提到第一个问题,有一种device 可以去探测,但是因为距离海面的深浅问题不行,举例了cargo ship in pacific ship。还提到了organism thrive in upper portion of the ocean. 第二个问题是battery。电池很难维持很长时间。后面讲到一些关于glacier melt 时候用到的device disappear了。最后有人提出a new way 用yellow ducks 可以来prevent cold and pressure,并且more durable and inexpensive.


  提出问题→theory1→problem1→theory2→problem2→…→直至最后教授表明态度(出态度题)。关于文章话题,虽然TPO中没有单独讲ocean currents的,但是在TPO32L2、TPO33L3中都间接地涉及到了,同学们可以参考刷题。


  In maritime law, flotsam, jetsam, lagan, and derelict are specific kinds of shipwreck. The words have specific nautical meanings, with legal consequences in the law of admiralty and marine salvage:

  Flotsam is floating wreckage of a ship or its cargo.

  Jetsam is part of a ship, its equipment, or its cargo that is purposely cast overboard or jettisoned to lighten the load in time of distress and is washed ashore.

  Lagan (also called ligan) is goods or wreckage that is lying on the bottom of the ocean, sometimes marked by a buoy, which can be reclaimed.

  Derelict is cargo that is also on the bottom of the ocean, but which no one has any hope of reclaiming (in other maritime contexts, derelict may also refer to a drifting abandoned ship).


  Flotsamon a beach at Terschelling, Wadden Sea

  Lecture 2

  music history,讲到2 个音乐家 Monteverdi和Artusi给诗谱写音乐,为了使音乐符合诗所以会有很难听的地方。A指责M写歌写得不符合规矩,但事实上M就是要难听刺耳,让你心痛,不过他后期也有为了音乐而谱曲的时候。其中的imperfection 体现了dissonance. 解释了下dissonance 的含义是Not harmonious in the composition. 并且提到里面有很多需要遵循的rules 和内部的interact. 有学生提问,professor 提到这种dissonance is not pleasing and hurt ears. 后面提到关于第二种音乐形式的加点practice: one practice is to follow the rules, two is for champing,final is the tie of rules. 后面提到views of history, 通过一些方式去substantialize the views.

  托福听力真题分析:这篇音乐史文章理解的难点有两点:1. music的特征,dissonance不和谐音跟traditional classical music追求的真善美是contradict的,所以同学们在听的时候一定要注意听这种music的意义、创新点所在,它的出现和存在到底反映了作曲家或者时代的怎样的心理状态,这可能是听的时候理解的难点;2. views of history, 刚刚过去的1月7日考试的art history文章同样体现出“一切历史都是当代史”,我们需要站在前人的角度去评价作品,才有可能获得对这个作品的正确认知。同学们可以刷TPO22L4、TPO30L4熟悉这类文章的套路。


  The most famous episode of Artusi's career, and one of the most famous episodes in the history of music criticism, occurred in 1600 and 1603 when he attacked the "crudities" and "license" shown in the works of a composer he initially refused to name. (It was Claudio Monteverdi). Monteverdi replied in the introduction to his fifth book of madrigals (1605) with his discussion of the division of musical practice into two streams: what he called prima pratica, and seconda pratica: prima pratica being the previous polyphonic ideal of the sixteenth century, with flowing counterpoint, prepared dissonance, and equality of voices; and seconda pratica being the new style of monody and accompanied recitative, which emphasized soprano and bass voices, and in addition showed the beginnings of conscious functional tonality.


Giovanni Artusi (c. 1540 – 18 August 1613)


  Claudio Giovanni Antonio Monteverdi (15 May 1567 – 29 November 1643)

  Lecture 3

  archeology,先提到Greek 的一种特殊的temple, 介绍了一些历史,destroyed in the fire and then rebuild, 还有一些特殊的意义。后面讲到了museums, 说是一种cultural institutions, 可以用来exhibit and tell people the history about people who made it.

  托福听力真题分析:这篇考古学文章套路很正常,古希腊古罗马在艺术、社科类文章中出镜率都非常高,讨论的temple(“神庙逃亡”的神庙)也不像TPO17L3Egyptian calendars那样抽象或者TPO25L3Hieroglyphs那样晦涩难懂。如果精刷过以上这两篇,考场上这篇就是小case了。

  Lecture 4

  forestry,引入概念commercial forestry. 提到post-harvest residues.围绕soil ,decomposition 来讲。提到营养需求—nitrogen. 后面举例fungi,它的decomposition 给soil 带来的养分好处等。后面提到一种new way, 提到一个新概念mulch(护根),用这个来加速decomposition.

  托福听力真题分析:刷过TPO29L1Pedodiversity的同学肯定对土壤话题不陌生,注意这类话题涉及的面会比较广:光合作用和植物、真菌和细菌、土壤本身的性质和矿物质、物质循环和C、N、P元素循环(到目前为止没有考过的就是N循环了),同学们在听的时候要心里有数,做active listener。



编辑: Buddy