


2017-04-19来源: 啄木鸟教育浏览量:


考试日期 Task 1
题目 题型 大话题 小话题
20170107 The  university wants to provide students more entertainments and three choices  are provided below, which do you prefer and why?
-A concert given by professional musicians; 
-A lecture from a well-known professor; 
-A play.
三选一 校园活动;兴趣爱好
20170114 Which  one of the following activities would you like to choose to do in the  class?
-a scene play with your partner
-presentation to the class about a place that you're familiar with
-read a selection of a poem
三选一 教育;课程学习
20170218 Which  of the followings do you think is most important to a country's  success?
- Business success
- Medical care
-Education system
三选一 社会发展
20170225 Suggestions  for a friend who would like to make new friends in a new city or a new  school. 建议题 人际
20170226 Three  ways to do a history project
1.Shooting videos
2. Interviewing the elders
3. Writing thesis
三选一 教育;课程学习
20170304 Describe  one argument that you had with others. What are the conflict and the  consequence? 开放题 人际
20170311 Describe  something that you are doing now but did not expect to do ten years ago. 开放题 个人成长
20170325 Three  kinds of activities will be offered on a special day organized by the  International Student office. Which one do you prefer?
1.International food fair;
2. International music festival;
3. International film festival.
三选一 校园活动;兴趣爱好


考试日期 Task 2
题目 题型 小话题
20170107 Friends  may disagree with each other, and still remain friendship. Do you agree with  or disagree with this idea, why? A/D 人际
20170114 Working  in a smaller company or organization with only a few people or working in a  large company with many employees, which one do you prefer and why?  Preference 工作成长
20170218 Do  you agree or disagree the following statement: the increasing entertainment  technology makes fewer people read books. A/D 教育;学习;阅读(电子设备)
20170225 Preference:  Do you prefer to read paper books or electronic books. Preference 教育;学习;阅读
20170226 Preference:  Some people believe that class discussions should be part of the grade.  Others believe that only written assignments and exams should be part of the  grade. Which one do you agree and why? Preference 教育;学习;阅读
20170304 Do  you prefer to rent a house that is very close to your school but will cost  more or a house that is far from your school but costs less? Preference 金钱分配;住宿
20170311  If there were the last piece of land for  green plants, would you like to have any more buildings on it? Preference 资源分配
20170325 To  communicate with others, do you prefer to send text messages or making calls. Preference 人际;科技;电子设备
考试日期 Task 3
题型   话题 态度
20170107 学生建议 建立学生的校园期刊 校园活动(社团) 支持
20170114 学生建议 给非艺术专业的学生提供周末的艺术workshop 课程;学习 反对
20170218 学生建议 化学专业的尖子生除了获得奖状之外还应该有奖金 学生福利 反对
20170225 学生建议 低年级学生参考高年级学生的论文内容 课程;学习 反对
20170226 学校政策 学校要求fund academic conference把activity budget派发给学生用于参加学术会议 学生福利 反对
20170304 学校政策 学校图书馆即将提供private study booths给学生 学生福利 支持
20170311 学生建议 教授要更为关注学生的作业情况 课程;学习 反对
20170325 学校政策 学校要取消Time Management workshop 课程;学习 反对


考试日期 Task 4
20170107 生物 Life  Stage Migration 单例
20170114 生物 Predator  release 单例;鱼为predator,海胆sea urchin为猎物
20170218 社会科学;教育 Learner-centered  teaching 单例;女儿学吉他,分层改变教学方式的前后
20170225 社会科学;心理 Peak-end  Effect 单例;暗分层,真实经历和自己的回忆
20170226 社会科学; Maturation  Effect 单例;青少年在实验过程中区分自然生长和由subject带来的影响
20170304 环境科学 Weather  Modification 单例;机场恶劣天气的操作前和操作后
20170311 社会科学;心理 Fear  Appeal 单例;一家人家里旅游水漫金山
20170325 生物 Nest  Mate Recognition 单例;蚂蚁


考试日期 Task 5
困难类型 关键因素
20170107 意外 搬家时发生意外,损坏玻璃需要赔偿,但费用高昂
20170114 住宿;人际关系 Primary  Speaker姐姐准备过来上学,PS目前的公寓太小
20170218 人际 男生的论文获奖,受邀与学校教授共进晚饭,但发愁自己出席场合的穿着
20170225 人际 Primary  speaker学生编辑,所带的成员有一个人总是犯错
20170226 时间冲突 Primary  speaker学生编辑,面临时间冲突:开会时间和去朋友参与表演的音乐会
20170304 意外 男生的乐队在几天之后要参加乐队表演,发现订做的服饰不合适
20170311 金钱困难 女生要支付生活账单,但是budget is tight
20170325 学习;人际;意外 男生历史课的合作伙伴因为太忙了要退课,但是他们已经一起做了很多关于中世纪音乐的研究


考试日期 Task 6
分类 话题
20170107 社会科学 参加团体的两个好处
20170114 商业 公司两种延续产品生命周期的方法
20170218 生物 昆虫传播费洛蒙交流的方式
20170225 生物 生活在树上灵长类动物避免掉到地上的两种方法
20170226 生物 动物有两种方法来用感官确定方向和路线
20170304 商业 动物有两种方法来用感官确定方向和路线
20170311 生物 植物有两种帮助生存和生长的感知能力(sensory  ability)
20170325 社会科学 无纸化办公室的两个优点




编辑: Buddy