


2018-01-15来源: 啄木鸟教育浏览量:







  总论点:是否需要keep commercial fishing of lionfish (阅读支持,听力反对)


  1. 1. 对珊瑚的ecosystem有好处;

  2. 2. 平衡fish market;

  3. 3. Lionfish很有营养,带来dietary benefits.


  1. 1. fishing会同时打捞到别的鱼,会伤害rare species;

  2. 2. 会鼓励人们开始fish farm养殖lionfish, 导致lionfish有机会散播到其他的habitats;

  3. 3. lionfish会吃一种有毒的微生物,人吃了会损害健康。


  参考范文Both the reading and the listening discuss about commercial fishing of lionfish. The reading raises three arguments to support it, while the listening holds a totally different viewpoint.

  First, as the reading suggests, fishing of lionfish benefits the whole ecosystem of coral fish. However, the listening points out that while fishing for lionfish, other rare specifies of fish might also be caught and harmed.

  Second, the reading mentions that fishing lionfish helps balance fish market. The listening, on the other hand, argues that the fishing of lionfish will encourage people to start fish farm to raise lionfish, which may lead to its spread to other habitats, causing undesirable outcomes.

  Third, the lecturer also illustrates that lionfish consumes a certain type of poisonous microorganism, which is harmful to human health. Therefore, the lionfish is not as beneficial as the reading suggests.



  考题回忆:A/D: It is a waste of money for government to fund space travel or space exploration.


  1. 探索外太空,探索未知事物, 好奇心才会驱使进步;

  2. 寻找潜在的第二个地球,地球的环境逐渐恶化;

  3. 帮助宣传教育,激发更多孩子的好奇心。

  参考范文A public debate has arisen concerning whether it is worthwhile for the government to provide financial support for space exploration. Ideas vary from person to person. As far as I’m concerned, space exploration and space travel are quite necessary.

  Space travel and space exploration provide us with invaluable opportunities to know more about the universe, thus gaining a better understanding about the world. Studying other worlds like Venus and Mars teaches us how special our planet is. For example, NASA has discovered that there is trace of water on Mars, which means that there might be lives on it. This is definitely a big breakthrough. However, without the financial support from the government, such progress couldn’t have been made.

  Moreover, we can find potential space for human settlements in the future. Over-population, environmental pollutions and limited space and natural resources, our planet is gradually becoming inhabitable. It is only a matter of time before something happens to our planet that is so devastating that it changes the course of life as we know it. Space exploration and colonization of the Moon and Mars are an insurance policy for humanity and all of our achievements.

  Space travel and space exploration promote science education. The Apollo missions inspired a whole generation of kids who wanted to grow up to be astronauts, rocket scientists, and engineers. We all know that science education has been slightly lacking in the United States as of late. NASA’s return to the moon, or more importantly the much anticipated manned mission to Mars will again inspire a whole new generation to reach for the stars. In this way, the money is worth spending.


  All in all, though governments should be careful about their monetary allocations, funding for space travel or space exploration is no way a waste.



编辑: keri