


2018-07-09来源: 啄木鸟教育浏览量:


  Task 1

  内容回忆government应当花钱发展什么education, healthcare or space exploration?

  参考答案I personally think the money of government should be spent more on education, since the educating level generally decides how developed a country is. I mean, a person who is well educated will be more creative since he has various experience. If most citizens improve their knowledge level, the industries like technology or engineering would help the country boost the international status. So the money of government had better be spent on investing more universities, or offer higher scholarship. Although nowadays the government’s support on education has increased than before, there are still children from less developed areas who cannot afford the high tuition fee.

  Task 2


  参考答案I don’t think parents should involve too much in deciding the future career of their children. Although it’s hard to win a high position in entertainment circle or being an athlete, it is still possible. If the child is determined to become an actor or actress, or an athlete, he or she has the motivation to work hard on this area. Then, possibly his or her dream will come true. What’s more, children will blame the parents when they cannot follow their own willing on choosing a job, especially when they encounter some barriers on the job assigned by children. On the contrary, if parents permit children to pursue their own dreams, even it is tough to gain success, the children will learn to take their own responsibilities and have no one else to blame.

  Task 3

  阅读Weekend Art Workshop

  -provide students whose majors are not art a relaxed environment to learn art without concerning about grade.

  -give art-majored students more opportunities to practice.



  原因二:这对于艺术专业的学生并不会有好处,Weekend Art Workshop在周末会占用教室,会cut the time available on weekends。 比如女生要做一个雕塑,需要花很长时间,她不可能周末搬回宿舍去做。

  Task 4

  阅读Recruitment Reading: Release signals to inform other insects to cool and cooperate.

  听力Listening: There is a type of ant called the fire ant living in South America that live in nests. Some ants have a special job: They have to leave the nests to find food. When one ant finds a piece of fruit that is too big or it to carry back, it will walk back while at the same time releasing a chemical, which will form a chemical trail on the way. When it arrives, other ants could follow the trail and find the fruit and then carry it back together.

  Task 5




  2.她skip review session and let the man take note for her

  Task 6

  话题profit maximization


  要点投资在卖得好的东西上,举例一个doll的公司,好处是公司要还贷款需要大量资金的时候,坏处是公司会变vulnerable 没办法balance lost导致资金链断裂。



编辑: keri