


2018-07-09来源: 啄木鸟教育浏览量:



  本次托福写作难度适中。综合写作考察海洋生物类话题,重复2011.9.8题目;独立写作重复2017.3.11, 2014. 5.17,2010.10.17. 题目。




  总论点阅读分析了whale’s beaching 的原因,听力反驳了阅读的观点。

  阅读部分1. 鲸鱼生病了,导致不能辨别方向

  2.military ships’ sonar 太强大,干扰了鲸鱼的定位系统



  2.军船的声纳是 mid-frequency, 但是 whale 是 low-frequency, 所以不存在影响

  3.诚然有同时存在的情况, 但是可能只是巧合,因为搁浅并不一定总有地震, 同样地震时并不总发生搁浅。


  参考范文In the reading passage, the author raises the causes of whale’s beaching. On the contrary, the professor strongly contradicts with it.

  To begin with, according to the reading passage, the author suggests whales cannot tell the direction because of their illness. By contrast, the lecturer disagrees with it and thinks that scientists find no indication of illness in the bodies of beaching whales.

  In addition, the reading passage indicates that powerful military ships’ sonar leads to the interference with whale's positioning system. However, the speaker holds the opposite opinion that military ships’ sonar is mid-frequency, while the sonar of whales is low-frequency, and thus military ships’ sonar imposes no interference to whales.

  Lastly, the writer in the reading part believes that whales orient themselves by earth’s magnetic field,but the change of the earth's magnetic field takes place before the earthquake. By comparison, the listening material indicates,it may be coincidental that earthquakes and whales’ beaching occur simultaneously because whale beaching doesn't take place during some earthquakes, and when some earthquakes happen, there is no whale beaching.



  考题回忆It is better to relax by watching a movie or reading a book than doing physical exercise.


  1. 体育锻炼可以使人放松,这是现代人需要的。

  2. 体育锻炼改善体质,增加人们对疲劳的抵抗力。


  参考范文At present, in the wake of intense competition in workplace, people are exposed to a great deal of pressure. In order to relax, they tend to take approaches such as watching movies, reading books or doing exercises. Some people claim that it is not wise to do physical exercises when people stress out. However, from my point of view, physical exercises are exactly what a stressful person needs.

  The first benefit that doing physical exercise can bring is that during the exercises, people’s mind is set at ease. Mental relaxation is something that modern people particularly require in such a competitive world. Physical exercises unwind us by shifting our concentration from work to breathing or muscle building. Nevertheless, watching movies and reading books, in most cases, yield a counterproductive result, for our minds are still running especially in the middle of nerve-racking thrillers or fictions. Taking myself for example. My tiredness as a result of a full day’s work will be gone after finishing 1 kilometer’s jogging on the treadmill without thinking about work.

  In addition, physical exercises are conducive to people’s physical condition, which intensifies their resistance against fatigue. Although a person may feel exhausted physically after doing some sports, his or her cardiovascular system is enhanced during the exercises, and the blood circulation would become more efficient. In contrast, watching movies and reading books make people inactive, thus causing serious problems. For example, my uncle is a software engineer. His job is nothing but writing codes in front of computers all year round. Instead of doing any sports, he tends to watch movies and eat snacks to relax. As a result, obesity and high blood pressure have come along.

  Admittedly, I do not mean that watching movies and reading books play no role in helping people relax. After all, our bodies are at rest while watching movies or reading books. However, compared to doing exercises, sitting there watching or reading is to a large extent detrimental to our physical health because the state of inactivity would weaken our ability to get rid of stress. In addition, the excessive use of eyes could undoubtedly bring harms to our sight.

  To put it in a nutshell, doing exercises is more advantageous than watching movies or reading books in helping people relax. It is because exercises not only provide a perfect opportunity to relax our minds, but also enable people to stand up to pressure of work.

  以上解析部分由环球教育南京学校 孔菲老师原创,转载请注明作者及出处。


编辑: keri