


2018-07-09来源: 啄木鸟教育浏览量:


  Task 1

  内容回忆父母在教育孩子的时候 common mistake 是什么

  参考答案Well, speaking of the common mistake parents often make when educating children, I really find it harmful when parents just keep comparing their own kids with those from other families. For starts, every child is an independent individual and parents should respect their unique personalities and characteristics. Constantly asking children to catch up with the so-called genius kids will do harm to their self-confidence and make them feel inferior to their peers. A vivid example would be my two cousins who have always been scolded by their parents because the young girls could not get as high grades as their neighbor’s son. Even now when they have become grown-ups, my cousins still tend to be unconfident in their jobs. Therefore it’s obvious to see how much damage such a mistake could do to a child’s mental development.

  Task 2


  参考答案Personally speaking, I believe that it’s better for teachers to discuss about problems in students’ homework face to face. Firstly, verbal communication is an easier way for students to absorb information than written feedback. Teachers could make use of previous examples and explain the problem more thoroughly rather than just a few comments at the end of the paper. Besides, I think it’s a good way for teachers and students to develop a firmer relationship and get along better. Teachers can show their sincere concern towards the student and encourage them to perform better next time. This way students will feel more motivated and are more likely to work harder. In contrast, when faced with emotionless comments, it’s hard to get inspired and what’s worse, most students won’t even read it thoroughly.

  Task 3

  阅读教授要改用纸质材料而不用电脑,1,电脑效率低 2,伤害眼睛

  听力女生不同意:1,用电脑记得更快更有条理 2,看一会电脑可以休息一下,她会出去走走,或者休息15分钟

  Task 4



  Task 5

  问题女生要去小木屋度假,但是1,research没做完 2,山上没有网

  解决方案男生建议:1,提前做 2,找一个有网的地方

  Task 6

  话题color defensive actions of plants13年12月1日的阅读有考过类似话题


  要点1,紫花通过树枝掩盖自己的颜色 2,非洲的树木在年轻时将自己变成不利于食用的颜色,成熟后会变回绿色


  本文解析部分由啄木鸟教育老师沈阳学校 刘静海老师原创,转载请注明作者及出处。

编辑: keri