


2018-08-27来源: 浏览量:






  考题回忆:总论点阅读中主要对英国控制外来植物false bamboo给出了三个方法,听力从这三个角度来反驳方法的不合理性。




  第三个分论点:引进外来昆虫plant louse吸树液。







  Both the author and the lecturer concentrate on the approaches to control the increase of a non-native plant-false bamboo in Britain. The reading passage asserts that its three methods are quite effective to stop this tendency. However, the professor in the lecture totally refutes all the passage's viewpoints.

  Firstly, even though the writer claims that one way is to dig deep to remove the roots of false bamboo, the speaker discredits this by arguing that the viewpoint is not convincing, as it is difficult for people to clean out all roots without any tiny omission. However, a small piece of root could grow back to its original large size and spread quickly. Therefore, it is unlikely to carry on a clean kill.

  Furthermore, despite the statement in the reading passage that the use of chemical pesticides is also a helpful way, the professor contends that it is not so efficient that people have to spray those chemicals three to four times every season each year. The speaker further explains that this method is more likely to waste more money and increase the financial burden.

  Finally, the author states that the introduction of natural enemies-a kind of insect is beneficial in controlling the worsening situation, The lecturer counters that it doesn’t work well. The professor advances the argument, saying that although these insects from Asia are helpful, they cannot adapt to the freezing coldness in winter. Besides, another danger is that once these predators adapt well and reproduce massively, other native species or even the whole local eco-system will suffer. For these concerns, the third measure does not fit for this issue.

  In brief, the writer and the speaker contradict each other on whether these three methods are valid to control the spread of false bamboo.


  Both the author and the lecturer concentrate on___________. The reading passage asserts that_____________. However, the professor in the lecture totally refutes all the passage's viewpoints.

  Firstly, even though the writer claims that_______________, the speaker discredits this by arguing that____________________.

  Furthermore, despite the statement in the reading passage that ____________, the professor contends that______________________. The speaker further explains that____________.

  Finally, the author states that_____________. The professor advances the argument, saying that__________.

  In brief, the writer and the speaker contradict each other on_________



  考题回忆:Which kind of professors will you choose when selecting the courses?

         1, Some professors who are voted to be the most popular one?

         2, Some professors who are rewarded of outstanding research?

  解题思路:思路分析:两个角度无论从哪个方面都可以写出有关教育类的词汇, 本文从受欢迎的角度去写。

  主要观点:受欢迎的老师首先他们的教学方法可以使得学生们积极性更高,上课更有参与感,并且学生给予的反馈和评价能进一步提高教学表现,另外,流行的老师肯定也具备本科生所需的全部知识,并且有更多的精力和时间在授课上。相反, 有突出成就的教授可能更集中在学术研究上而对教学传授知识没有耐心。最后补充其他性格魅力

  参考范文:Nowadays, who is a better course choice for students specially in a university, a well-evaluated professor among students or one rewarded for his outstanding research? This kind of topic is never out of fashion since professors play a determining role in their young followers’ academic study. From my perspective, the most popular professor will have more practical help to my study.

  First and foremost, these welcomed teachers are more likely to adopt an innovative teaching method to increase students’ participation, interest and independent analysis. Besides, students’ positive appraisal will in turn motivate teachers to further upgrade their teaching plan and materials. Immersed in such a well-developed cycle and a harmonious learning environment, those freshmen will have more persistence to explore the magic of science, technology or art step by step. In contrast, the traditional “teacher-centered” mode many other professors still take as their priority may treat students as passive spectators, which does not contribute to their effectiveness of study. Therefore, in a long term, students will feel bored, even emotionally biased against their major courses.

  Another strong argument is that if you want to be a popular professor, rich knowledge system is the basic requirement. This is because for many students, one of their biggest joys comes from challenging their imparters, finding out their mistakes. To satisfy these guys, those on the stage have to prepare every possible question in advance. Moreover, compared with those getting an award of their research, who may be in short of the lecturing experience or have less patience or interest in next generation cultivation, the most popular professor could contribute more time and energy to interact, give the feedback and reflect their own teaching process. Eventually, Another key factor is the personal charm. Entering into the colleges, young adults will not only learn academic theories, but more importantly reshape their own personality. During the lecturing course, they could also get enlightenment in other qualities, such as humor, innovation, or dedication.

  In conclusion, I am the firm advocate of the most popular professors since they are successful not only in knowledge itself, but in teaching method, as well as their personality.


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编辑: Li