


2018-08-27来源: 啄木鸟教育浏览量:


     Task 1

  内容回忆:大学新生预先上time management class的优缺点。

  (此话题参考真题 17.3.25 task3 几乎是相同的内容)

  Time Management Workshop Canceled

  The university had scheduled a time management workshop for first-year students next week, which would provide students with suggestions and techniques for balancing schoolwork with other activities. However, the workshop has been canceled. Not many students have signed up for the workshop, and so university officials feel that there is not sufficient interest for the workshop to be held next week. Students may be especially busy as the semester is just starting, so instead, the workshop will be rescheduled for later in the semester, when more students are expected to be able to attend.

  参考答案:There are advantages and disadvantages for freshman to have time management courses at the beginning of the semester.

  One of the advantages is that those courses could prepare them for upcoming difficulties in dividing time between classes and campus activities.

  Many first year students in collage have never been to big campus and they may have a hard time getting used to busy university life, since all the buildings, like classroom, library , students’ center and dorms ,are scattered in different places. So, knowing how deal with time properly before starting the semester is essential for students.

  However, the disadvantage is that new students have a lot of other things to do, like buying books, setting up rooms, and preparing for new courses. They may not be able to find a time to attending the course at the first place. So maybe it’s better to offer the time management course in middle of the semester.

  Task 2



  参考答案:Personally speaking, I think it’s better to work in a regular time.

  First because, a regular working time could encourage people to have a better work efficiency. For example, if the company requires me to be at work before 9, I will be there at nine no matter what, because I’m afraid of being punished for breaking the rules. While if I just working at home, I tend to stay in my comfort zone and I could easily find excuses for that, like I don’t feel very energized, it’s time to relax a little bit, or It’s time to selfie. We could see that the working hours will shorter if we have too much freedom in work.

  Second, working in a company with other colleagues could offer us chances to make friends in the same processional field. We could exchange ideas or thoughts. In this case, we will better keep up with the time.

  Task 3

  阅读标题:学校举办茶话会(snack break)

  给学生提供免费吃的, 并且给学生提供社交认识新朋友的机会

  听力态度:female agrees



  Task 4心理

  阅读标题:Carryover effect



  Task 5意外



  缺点: 要等一周,那个时候学生都回家了她还要自己寄给毕业生



  Task 6生物








  本文解析部分由啄木鸟教育老师武汉学校 龚梦婷老师原创,转载请注明作者及出处。

编辑: Li