


2018-08-27来源: 啄木鸟教育浏览量:







  阅读部分:1. Biology method: 从这种虫子的发源地import一种它的predator来吃掉或者让欧洲本地的鸟类和爬虫类来吃它;

  2. Chemistry method: 用化学杀虫剂来杀掉这些多余的虫子,寻找一种对它有害但是对别的物种无害的化学杀虫剂;

  3. Dip the soil of the transplanted plants in hot water. 热水可以杀死土里的flatworm的卵。

  听力部分:1. 在原产地没有发现这种虫子的天敌,并没有动物吃这种虫。而且在欧洲的鸟类和爬虫类也不吃这种虫子因为它的味道酸而且令人不悦;

  2. 这种虫子对于大部分化学杀虫剂都resistant。只有一种杀虫剂对它能产生危害,但这种杀虫剂对于其他的wildlife也会产生危害;

  3. 如果植物的土很大,即使放在热水里也不能穿透土壤。所以土壤深处的虫卵还是能够在热水泡过之后存活下来。


  参考范文:Both the reading and the listening discuss about the solutions to reduce the population of flatworm. The reading raises three methods, while the listening argues against each of the three solutions.

  First, the reading proposes that a kind of predator can be imported to eat flatworm. However, the listening points out that flatworms have no such predator. Worse, birds and reptiles in Europe won’t feed on flatworm since it tastes sour and unpleasant.

  Second, according to the reading, flatworm can be killed by a special type of pesticide. Yet, the lecturer argues that this is not promising as flatworm is resistant to most kinds of pesticide except for one kind. Unluckily, this type of pesticide will kill of other species wildlife, causing undesirable damage.

  Third, as the reading suggests, we can dip the soil of the transplanted plants in hot water, which can help kill the eggs inside the soil. The listening, on the other hand, asserts that even by doing so, some eggs of the flatworm can still survive.




  1. 多做extra or additional jobs;

  2. participate more actively or state more personal opinions in group discussions.


  1. 在学习中为了获得更好的成绩,需要更多的参与到小组讨论中因为一般最终成绩的评判都会分为考试以及平时的表现;

  2. 在工作中,为了得到职业晋升,在小组的表现尤为重要因为可以更好的向同事和supervisor展示自己的综合能力:自信,沟通能力,口才和逻辑等。

  参考范文:Personal development is a lifelong process. It is a way for people to assess their skills, consider their aims in life and set goals in order to maximize their potential both in academic field or in career. Both ways mentioned in the topic will help. However, as far as I’m concerned, participating more actively or stating more personal opinions in group discussion is a more effective approach.

  For students to achieve better academic performance, they need to understand how schools design and conduct evaluation. Generally speaking, school evaluation not only involves students’ academic ability, but also puts emphasis on their attendance, sense of responsibility and the ability to work in a group, etc. Obviously, such qualities can easily be shown during the process of engaging in group discussion. Whether or not the student is proactive enough, or whether the student can listen to other people’s opinions and provide effective response or statements definitely tell a lot about this student’s comprehensive ability, which ought be considered when teachers decide the final grade of each student.

  For career advancement, active participation in group discussion also plays a pivotal role. For instance, by the end of each year, many employees will receive their annual report, in which it evaluates an employee’s work performance and assigns his/her bonus or promotion. Among all the qualities, the ability to work and participate well in a group is highly stressed by most renowned companies. If an employee can be more active, stating more personal opinions, he/she can contribute to increase a company’s efficiency and to generate more ideas. It is also a learning opportunity for less experienced workers. Hence, active employees who is willing to speak up more during group discussions should be valued by the company.

  Admittedly, some people who have talent tend to indulge in their solitary activities. They are hardworking, putting in extra efforts to better themselves. However, being too independent or too detached from other people will also result in low efficiency and partial perception, which might negatively affect a student’s academic performance or an employee’s career advancement. In a nutshell, personal development depends more on active participation in group discussion.


 以上解析部分由环球教育上海学校 于曦老师原创,转载请注明作者及出处。


编辑: Li