


2018-09-10来源: 啄木鸟教育浏览量:



  本次写作难度适中。综合写作重复2014.9.27;独立写作重复2016.11.5 题目。



  考题回忆:总论点讨论wetland里面的鬼火( will-o’-the-wisp)形成的原因

  阅读部分:1. 沼泽里燃烧产生气体的光



  听力部分:1.气体产生的光不 会飞来飞去

  2. 在沼泽这样的wetland里不会发生因为电可以传给土



  参考范文:The reading and listening are both talking about the reasons of formation of will-o'-the-wisp. The passage exhibits three reasons to explain this phenomenon. Whereas, the professor totally refutes three theories presented in the passage.

  Firstly, the professor rebuts the reading’s idea that will-o'-the-wisp is caused by burning dead bodies which will be flammable at night. The professor claims that although this kind of gas is flammable, it is only burned in one place. This light can move around, so it cannot be the will-o'-the-wisp.

  Secondly, the professor contradicts reading’s statement that it is caused by electronic sparks from mineral like quartz. The professor argues that the mineral is buried underground which is covered by earth. Therefore, electronic sparks cannot pass through the covering.

  At last, the passage states that it is the flaming fungus stick to some birds which lived in the frost where they have easy access to these fungus. However, these flaming fungus are not sticky enough. When birds are flying, the fungus will fall down which kill the chance to become will-o'-the-wisp.



  考题回忆:In universities, people tend to concern more about the career prospect of the subjects they learn. some people propose that students should learn subjects with a fast job growth including math, science, technology, and engineering even if they are interested in other subjects. Do you agree or disagree?


  1. 兴趣是最好的老师,学习感兴趣的课程可以激发学习热情,更容易把专业学好。

  2. 学习感兴趣的学科更加快乐。

  参考范文:Undeniably, in today’s highly competitive social atmosphere, choosing a popular field of study might prepare students for better job opportunities. However, in my opinion, it is more important to select a subject that suits a person’s interest.

  First and foremost, opting for the subjects in which one takes considerable interest is conducive to achieve better results. As an old saying goes, “ interest is the best teacher’’. One’s study zest can be highly stimulated assuming that one can choose subjects exerting a peculiar fascination on him or her. Conversely, if they are forced to take courses which can help them gain profit-making jobs , they might not keep their interest for a long time and are prone to generating career burnout, thus leading to a lower learning efficiency. Those epoch-making accomplishment in the scientific world owe much to the initial interest of the scientists. To illustrate, Charles Darwin is famous for his masterpiece entitled on the origin of species. His early interest in nature led him to quit his medical studies at the University of Edinburgh and explore activities instead. Further education at Cambridge continued to encourage his passion for natural science. At last, his learning enthusiasm and untiring efforts paid off. His story perfectly indicates the importance of interest as a factor in a person's success.

  In addition, to choose a favorite subject makes the learning experience full of relaxation and delight. Happiness lies in the process, not just in the final result. To some extent, interest is a good friend keeping one company and making one joyful much of the time. For example, whenever math problems arises, so does a moment of pleasure. It is time to enjoy the process of solving the problem. Whenever a new theory in biology is grasped, another cheerful moment ensues. It is time to explore more deeply and to make more interesting discoveries. Without doubt, fascination with a subject makes each step of learning delight.

  Admittedly, it is true that courses like technology, engineering and math might have some benefits, most of which can be applied in solving real world issues. However, the exposure that students have to apply these theories is very limited in class. Taking technology-oriented classes will not give students a competitive edge to ensure future jobs opportunities; on the other hand, there are enormous benefits for students to take courses that they are interested in.


  In conclusion, I re-affirm my conviction that even though choosing utilitarian subjects is never without merit, university students should still be encouraged to choose their favorite areas of study.



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编辑: Li