


2016-07-19来源: 互联网浏览量:


  A only by B。 B是A的必要条件, 非B推出非A。

  If Earth’s Moon were to leave Earth’s orbit -----〉That angle cannot be kept fairly stable ---à

  a planet’s climate is too extreme and unstable to support life.( based on Without such a stable and moderate axis tilt, a planet’s climate is too extreme and unstable to support life.)

  (B) If Earth’s Moon were to leave Earth’s orbit, Earth’s climate would be unable to support life.

  Is correct!


  7. Psychologist: Some astrologers claim that our horoscopes completely determine our personalities, but this claim is false, I concede that identical twins---who are, of course, born at practically the same time---often do have similar personalities. However, birth records were examined to find two individuals who were born 40 years ago on the same day and at exactly the same time---one in a hospital in Toronto and one in a hospital in New York. Personalities of these two individuals are in fact different.

  Which one of the following is an assumption on which the psychologist’s argument depends?

  A. Astrologers have not subjected their claims to rigorous experimentation.

  B. The personality differences between the two individuals cannot be explained by the cultural difference between Toronto and New York.

  C. The geographical difference between Toronto and New York did not result in the two individuals having different horoscopes.

  D. Complete birth records for the past 40 years were kept at both hospitals.

  E. Identical twins have identical genetic structures and usually have similar home environments.


  思路: Psychologist举例否原观点,举的反例必定是在原观点相同的前提情况下产生了与原观点不同的结论。原观点的前提情况是相同星座,结论是性格相同。反例的前提情况需要与原观点的一致,所以即是不管多伦多还是纽约生的星座是一样的。

  A, 是无关选项,占星家们做没做实验对原文半点影响没有。

  B, 是无关选项,心理学家们驳的是星象,跟文化没关系。

  D, 是废话,重复了原文的背景。

  E, 也是废话,重复了原文的背景。

  8. Modern navigation systems, which are found in most of today’s commercial aircraft, are made with low-power circuitry, which is more susceptible to interference than the vacuum-tube circuitry found in older planes. During landing, navigation systems receive radio signals from the airport to guide the plane to the runway. Recently, one plane with low-power circuitry veered off course during landing, its dials dimming, when a passenger turned on a laptop computer. Clearly, modern aircraft navigation systems are being put at risk by the electronic devices that passengers carry on board, such as cassette players and laptop computers.

  Which one of the following, if true, LEAST strengthens the argument above?

  A. After the laptop computer was turned off, the plane regained course and its navigation instruments and dials returned to normal.

  B. When in use all electronic devices emit electromagnetic radiation, which is known to interfere with circuitry.

  C. No problems with navigational equipment or instrument dials have been reported on flights with no passenger-owned electronic devices on board.

  D. Significant electromagnetic radiation from portable electronic devices can travel up to eight meters, and some passenger seats on modern aircraft are located within four meters of the navigation systems.

  E. Planes were first equipped with low-power circuitry at about the same time portable electronic devices became popular.


  思路: E是无关选项,同时装备无法支持飞机航行受电子设备干扰。其他选项都能支持。

  A, 加强选项,关了电玩后,飞机就正常了,说明电玩有影响。

  B, 加强选项,直接说电玩影响飞机电路。

  C, 没有电玩,飞机没影响,相对加强力度弱些,但比起E来也能勉强算做加强。

  D, 加强选项,电玩八米有影响,有些乘客就坐在电路八米内。

  9. In 1712 the government of Country Y appointed a censor to prohibit the publication of any book critical of Country Y’s government; all new books legally published in the country after 1712 were approved by a censor. Under the first censor, one half of the book manuscripts submitted to the censor were not approved for publication. Under the next censor, only one quarter of the book manuscripts submitted were not approved, but the number of book manuscripts that were approved was the same under both censors. If the statements in the passage are true, which one of the following can be properly concluded from them?

  A. More books critical of Country Y’s governments were published before the appointment of the first censor than after it.

  B. The first censor and the second censor prohibited the publication of the same number of book manuscripts.

  C. More book manuscripts were submitted for approval to the first censor than to the second.

  D. The second censor allowed some book manuscripts to the published that the first censor would have considered critical of Country Y’s government.

  E. The number of writers who wrote unpublished manuscripts was greater under the first censor than under the second.

编辑: Senna