


2016-07-21来源: 互联网浏览量:

  9. The number of North American children who are obese-that is, who have more body fat than do 85 percent of North American children their age---is steadily increasing, according to four major studies conducted over the past 15 years.

  If the finding reported above is correct, it can be properly concluded that

  A. when four majors studies all produce similar results, those studies must be accurate

  B. North American children have been progressively less physically active over the past 15 years

  C. the number of North American children who are not obese increased over the past 15 years

  D. over the past 15 years, the number of North American children who are underweight has declined

  E. the incidence of obesity in North American children tends to increase as the children grow older


  思路: 先看选项做分析

  A. 归纳太偏。

  B. 文中没有提到。

  C. 正确,理解思路是obese是一个比例,不是具体的数据,即15%,如果obese的人数增长,说明children的总人数增加,因此本答案正确,个人认为本题不是一个好题目,但是有可能是一个类型题目的代表,相当于a占整体的一个固定比例,b占整体的一个固定比例,a和b不一定加起来就是整体,根据a数据的变化推断b数据的变化。

  D. 易混淆,出现新名词underweight,文中没有提到。

  E. 无关。

  10. School superintendent: It is a sad fact that, until now, entry into the academically best high school in our district has been restricted to the children of people who were wealthy enough to pay the high tuition. Parents who were previously denied the option of sending their children to this school now have the option, since I am replacing the tuition requirement with a requirement that allows only those who live in the neighborhood of the school to attend.

  The superintendent’s claim about the effect of replacing the tuition requirement relies on the assumption that

  A. the residents of the school’s neighborhood tent to be wealthy

  B. people other than those wealthy enough to have paid the old tuition are able to live in the neighborhood of the school

  C. people less wealthy than those who were able to pay the old tuition are in the majority in the district

  D. there are no high schools in the district other than the one referred to by the superintendent

  E. there are many people not wealthy enough to have paid the old tuition who wish to have their children attend the school


  思路: 本题中的替代办法必须顾及两点,一交不起老学费的可以来读书,而且交不起学费的应能够 live in the neighborhood of the school,如果穷人不能住在这个学校附近,这个替代是无意义的。

  A. 反对文中办法。

  B. 文中没有提到符合题意。

  C. 太偏,文中只讨论the neighborhood of the school,are in the majority in the district并不意味着live in the neighborhood of the school。

  D. 文中没有提到。 

  E. 易混淆,文中已经包含这个意思,不是题目要问的问题。

编辑: Senna