


2016-11-25来源: 啄木鸟教育浏览量:




   1. unconcerned a. 不关心的 , 不感兴趣的 词频:1 ['ʌnkən'sə:nd]

  近义词:incurious / unrelated

  权威例句:Ryan seemed unconcerned that pushing his policy agenda on Romney might damage the candidate.(NEWYORKER: Fussbudget)

  2. unequivocal a. 不含糊的 , 明确的 词频:1 ['ʌni'kwivəkəl]

  近义词:precise / decided / express / specific / explicit

  权威例句:On Monday, Education Secretary Arne Duncan also spoke of his unequivocal support for same-sex marriage.(BBC: North Carolina approves constitutional ban on gay union)

  3. unreasonable a. 不合理的 , 不切实际的 词频:1 [ʌn'ri:znəbl]

  近义词:ideal / dream

  权威例句:As a result, a rating that is reasonable in one climate becomes unreasonable in another.(FORBES: Rethinking Credit Ratings)

  4. unjustifiable a. 不合理的 , 无法辩解的 词频:1 [ʌn'dʒʌstifaiəbl]

  权威例句:Adams is calling for a federal investigation into whether local police make unjustifiable or illegal arrests.(NPR: Police Split On What To Learn From Gates Case)

  5. improper a. 不合适的 , 错误的 , 不道德的 词频:1 [im'prɔpə]

  近义词:false / wrong / incorrect / unhappy / inadequate

  权威例句:He said such a threat was "improper of a democratic, civilised and rule-abiding country".(BBC: Julian Assange: UK 'threat' to arrest Wikileaks founder)

  6. inactive a. 不活动的 , 怠惰的 词频:1 [in'æktiv]

  近义词:lazy / idle

  权威例句:But later, leads dry up and departments usually scale back resources and declare a case inactive. (WSJ: Lapse in Missing-Persons List Questioned by Cleveland Officials)

  7. indiscriminate a. 不加选择的 , 不加区分的 词频:1 [ˌindis'kriminit]

  近义词:random / arbitrary

  权威例句:Dirks and a handful of other mavericks argue that this indiscriminate approach is wrongheaded.(FORBES: Cancer Killer)

  8. undiminished a. 不减的 , 未衰落的 , 没有降低的 词频:1 ['ʌndi'miniʃt]

  权威例句:And we saw music and Mardi Gras and the vibrancy, the fun of this town undiminished.(WHITEHOUSE: A Commitment to Restoring New Orleans)

  9. unliterary a. 不矫揉造作的 , 不咬文嚼字的 词频:1 [ʌn'litərəri]

  10. imprecise a. 不精确的 词频:1 [ˌimpri'sais]

  近义词:loose / inexact

  权威例句:Animals, too, have been genetically engineered, mostly by laborious and imprecise trial-and-error breeding techniques.(FORBES: Frankenfish Fatuity)

  11. inalienable a. 不可剥夺的 词频:1 [in'eiliənəbl]

  近义词:indissociable / inseparable

  权威例句:We believe each of us is endowed by our Creator with certain inalienable rights and liberties.(WHITEHOUSE: Remarks by the President at a DNC event in Austin, Texas)

  12. unobservable a. 不可见的 词频:1 ['ʌnəb'zə:vəbl]

  权威例句:First, they assume that all 20 countries are hit by common but unobservable shocks.(ECONOMIST: A shocking error)

  13. unsound a. 不可靠的 , 不健康的 , 理由不充分的 词频:1 [ˌʌn'saund]

  近义词:unhealthy / undound

  权威例句:Policies otherwise sound when pursued in moderation can easily become unsound when pursued to extremes.(CENTERFORSECURITYPOLICY: Russia vs. Georgia: Four painful lessons)

  14. indiscernible a. 不可识别的 , 察觉不到的 词频:1 [ˌindi'sə:nəbl]

  近义词:invisible / perdu

  权威例句:Overall, an almost indiscernible less than .005% of workdays were lost to strikes and lockouts.(FORBES: As GE Reaches Deal, Strikes Are Disappearing)

  15. inscrutable a. 不可思议的 , 不能预测的 词频:1 [in'skru:təbl]

  近义词:mysterious / magic

  权威例句:They were inscrutable vestals, their laughter a song, their grace a dream of delight. (NPR: 'The Swallows of Kabul' Book Excerpt)

  16. inflexible a. 不可弯曲的 , 顽固的 词频:1 [in'fleksəbl]

  近义词:resistant / stubborn

  权威例句:Spain will feel betrayed and will see the EU as inflexible, incompetent and vindictive.(FORBES: 24 Hours For Spain To Break The Euro)

  17. unconvincing a. 不可信的 词频:1 ['ʌnkən'vinsiŋ]

  权威例句:When I pressed as to why I needed all these expensive tests, the answers were unconvincing.(FORBES: When Do You Say No To Your Doctor?)

  18. inexcusable a. 不可原谅的 , 不可宽赦的 词频:1 [ˌiniks'kju:zəbl]

  近义词:unforgivable / unpardonable

  权威例句:This is clearly inexcusable and something for which my law educators must be held to account.(FORBES: How I Missed Sharia Law 101 in Law School)

  19. irrefutable a. 不可争辩的 , 不能反驳的 词频:1 [ˌiri'fju:təbl]


  权威例句:The need to modernize our transmission lines and to expand their capacity is irrefutable.(FORBES: Magazine Article)

  20. tactless a. 不老练的 a. 笨拙的,不老练的 词频:1 ['tæktlis]

  近义词:awkward / angular

  权威例句:At the same time, however, their sense of utility in such matters was not crass or tactless.(FORBES: Beyond Faith: Why You Should Be Kind To Others)







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