


2013-06-14来源: 互联网浏览量:
  1. ISSUE
  59. Scientists and other researchers should do research on areas that are beneficial to the greatest number of people.
  点评:此题为新G考试的新issue topic,不过在考试中算top 5的高频题,所以拿到手应该不会觉得很陌生。下面是简单的解析:
  [1]. 对于这个topic,首先要肯定这是有意义的,因为科研资源是有限的,所以优先性问题是存在的。
  [2]. 对于issue,部分同意是很有必要的。先肯定跟据最广大人民的根本利益来决定研究领域是有意义的,这样可以让最广大的人民享受到科学的福祉,将科技的能量最大化。比如,发明狂人艾迪僧。
  [3]. 在强调这个问题具有本质上的复杂性,僵化的单一标准会产生问题,比如会忽视少数人的利益和过于短视。前者比如像医学领域里面对疑难杂症的研究,虽然患病的是少数人,但是研究仍然是有必要的;后者比如像物理,数学这些理论学科,暂时的研究可能还派不上具体的用途,但是不能因为眼前利益的模糊而无视长期利益。
  [4]. 总结,blahblah.
  93. The following appeared in a memorandum from the manager of WWAC radio station.
  "WWAC must change from its current rock-music format because the number of listeners has been declining, even though the population in our listening area has been growing. The population growth has resulted mainly from people moving to our area after their retirement, and we must make listeners of these new residents. But they seem to have limited interest in music: several local stores selling recorded music have recently closed. Therefore, just changing to another kind of music is not going to increase our audience. Instead, we should adopt a news-and-talk format, a form of radio that is increasingly popular in our area."
  Write a response in which you discuss what questions would need to be answered in order to decide whether the recommendation and the argument on which it is based are reasonable. Be sure to explain how the answers to these questions would help to evaluate the recommendation.
  1> 观众人数下降有可能跟近期节目做得不好有关系,电台应该努力把音乐节目质量提高,吸对音乐感兴趣的人。而对于老年人,他们也许不爱听摇滚乐,但也没有证据说他们会喜欢政治新闻。
  2> 音乐商店和电台不一样,一个花钱买片子,一个免费听歌曲。商店销售下降可能跟经济萧条购买力下降以及最近没有什么新唱片发行有关系,而这种情况可能正好会使听电台音乐的人增加。
  3> 没有证据说明新闻的观众比音乐的观众多。
  4> 结论:电台还是要仔细研究具体的原因才能得出合理结论。
  Verbal Reasoning
  PART I 填空
  1. 填空机经题目:
  1> [双空题]一些非哲学家的scientist一直把metaphysics这个词理解错了,他们以为是指(i)-----的思想, so一直用这个词描述(ii) ------的想法。
  2> [三空题]科学家总(i)-----大家不理解为什么要设定一些假设:给定了一些假设,但科学研究的结果一般都是(ii)------的,大家不能根据假设就(iii)------某个确定结果的出现。
  答案:complain…….. inconsequential………await.
  3> [三空题] So------is the police's corruption and ------ that it has been a tradition that 每个新上任的 police chef 都会承诺------the force
  答案: persistent…….. incompetence…….. reform.
  其他错误选项有:unfounded, contradict.
  4> [三空题] Nanotechnology对环保而言是一个------的发现,它一点也不------,尽管他
  答案:fantastic…….. ragmatic………lucid
  其他错误选项有:banal, innovation.
  5> 其他的选项答案有如下:
  fathomable, esoteric; reveal=manifest; ubiquitous=universal; perplex= confound; tenacious; retrospect.
  PART II 逻辑阅读
  1. 逻辑
  2. 阅读
  1. 2013第一高频长阅读Red Maple再现:
  [1]. 提出旧理论,提出解释1反驳旧理论:美国东部的red maple越来越多,一种观点认为这个和全球二氧化碳的增多全球变暖有关,然后红枫树对这个很敏感,北美的红枫的光合作用加强,数量增多了(Some scientists think the increased atmospheric carbon dioxide help with photosynthesis of Maple Tree.)。However, this didn't cause the number of other trees in the same area to increase。说oak也对这个敏感,但却没有这种情况(But, the photosynthesis ability of Maple tree may not necessarily be better than oak trees.),所以这种解释不成立。
  [2]. 提出解释2反驳旧理论:another explanations contains很多方面,比如下面:
  (1) The increase of red maple trees might be due to the suppressed fire rate in the recent years,因为红枫比起其他树木,对fire更敏感,要使红枫在火烧后能迅速恢复,火的控制对red maple的数量多当然有很大贡献。
  (2) its unique capability to grow in both young and old forests, etc.
  (3) The deer eat the foliage of oak trees in the summer and eat something from the maple tree in the winter (this is bad). However it is less harmful in the winter than in the summer for the trees.(deer要吃oak的seeds,特别在夏天,这时是oak发展最快的顶点,但是不吃红枫的seeds,只在冬天吃红枫的twig。red maple叶子分泌一个物质,deer?喜欢吃,所以red maple数量大,还有red maple产种子多)
  1) 题目:文中提到"没有使同一地区的其他树木增加"这句话的作用是什么?
  2) 题目:与红枫树共同生长的树木不能怎么样?
  答案:They cannot lavish in both young and mature forests.(原文:red maples have the unique 怎么怎么lavish in both young and mature forest.)
  3) 题目:哪个是红枫树的特点?
  答案:只有它能在young和 mature age都生长。
  4) 题目:关于它的表述哪个是错误的
  5) 题目:What is the purpose of mentioning other reasons other than carbon dioxide increase?
  答案:To downplay the importance of carbon dioxide in the increase in red maple trees.
  2. 高频机经snowshoe hare population,下面是文章原文:
  The snowshoe hare is one of the northern mammals that go through periodic cycles of changes in their populations. Over a period of years, their population will increase in numbers and then suddenly crash to very low numbers, only to rise again. Snowshoe hare tend to cycle about once every ten years. The snowshoe hare cycle is one of the best known and fur trappers and traders working in northern Canada first described it. In 1865, traders with the Hudson's Bay Company were flooded by hare pelts brought in by trappers. But, by 1870, only a few hare pelts trickled in. This pattern of high and low abundance of hare pelts repeated itself over and over, roughly every ten years.
  Snowshoe hares are a dominant herbivore in northern forest ecosystems. In Alaska and western Canada, their populations cycle over 8 to 11 years. The difference in densities and abundance during the cycle are extreme. Densities as high as 4,000 hares per square kilometer (or 10,000 hares per square mile) have been estimated at the peak (or high point) of the cycle. These populations can "crash" to densities of less than one hare per square kilometer (or 2.6 hares per square mile) within a period of one year. The populations slowly increase to peak densities over the next 6 to 13 years. The densities during peak years, however, are not always the same.
  Just what is it that drives the snowshoe hare cycle? This question has puzzled people living in northern areas and scientists for many years. On a broad scale, it may be the 22- year sunspot cycle and its effects on boreal forest weather patterns or forest fires. On a smaller scale, the cycles may be affected by over browsing the food supply, predators, shock disease due to stress, parasites, or a combination of these. The primary theory pertaining to the snowshoe hare population cycle describes the mechanics as a combination of predators and browse (food) availability. During the peak of their cycle, hares eat a large proportion of the shrubs available in their area. They can also kill many of the shrubs in their area by chewing through the outer layer of bark. Over-browsing of shrubs results in a food-shortage that causes malnourishment, starvation, and reduced reproduction. This leads to the start of the population crash or decline. Also, as food supplies decrease, the health of hares declines and makes many individuals more vulnerable to predators and disease. In the western Yukon, scientists believe that the hare cycle is caused by changes in food supply and predation. The declines and increases in the population of hares were influenced by the reproductive rates of adult hares and the survival rates of all ages of hares.
  3. Maya文明
  [1]. 提出旧理论:老观点认为 Maya人很和平,Maya文化灭绝是大灾难的影响。
  [2]. 提出新理论:玛雅是因为战争等等人为因素导致灭亡,证据就是在那个石头记载之后还有人的痕迹。 后来发现是一系列原因造成灭亡的,而且在停止修建大型建筑后还有各种发展和生活活动。
  题目:作者没有争论第一点。(哪个能够 support 作者观点)
  4. 农业发展导致温室效应
  [1]. 提出旧理论:很多科学家觉得人们对于大气,温室效应这种全球变暖的影响,不仅仅是工业发展,如coal, vehicle release等等因素造成二氧化碳增高,这是近100年来的工业化的结果。
  [2]. 提出新理论:新证据显示早在其实在千年前人们发展农耕(agriculture activities)的时候就导致二氧化碳升高,影响了全球的气候,然后提到甲烷的数量也随之增高了。
  [3]. 新理论的支持:并举例证明如果没有农耕世界的气候会变成什么样。说如果没有当时农业带来的CO2的增加,现在很多地球北边地方的农作物都会被冻死。加拿大、南极等地方都不会有现在那么暖。所以文章认为, 最早不是工业化造成气候变暖,是农业活动。
  问题1:主旨题,这篇文章的主要 purpose。
  答案:提出 industrialize 并不是全球变暖的唯一因素。
  1. 到平面上三个点(不在同一条直线)距离相等的点的轨迹是什么?答案:一个点;这是机经老题了。
  2. 经典的标准差(standard deviation)题,x, y, z的标准差是k,问x+6,y+6,z+6的标准差。答案:当然也是k。
  3. 问3^82除以5的余数。答案为4。这道题目其实跟问units digit差不多,找规律就行。
  4. 两个相等的圆相交,两个圆心都在另外一个圆的圆周上,r=3,求周长
  5. 两个数集(1,2,3,4,5)和(1,2,4,6,8),从两个数集中各取一个数得乘积S,问S有几种取值的可能性?答案:19。其实穷举法就好。
  6. 一个直角边为4的等腰直角三角形。问其内接圆的面积。答案:8(3-2/2)*pi
  7. A: 15的质因数的数目  B: 16的质因数的数目。答案:A大。
  8. 一条直线经过两个点(r,s)和(t,u),其中r<s<t<u。A: 这条直线y轴上截距的 B:0. 答案:无法比较,选D。
  9. 数列前两项是1, 3,后面递推公式an=a(n-1) + a(n-2),问你其前300项中奇数占的比例。答案:2/310. (难题)给出一个九格魔方的立体图(无色),告诉你有20个红小方块,7个白小方块组成这个魔方,随机排列,问在魔方表面上红色方格占整个表面的最大比例是多少?答案:48/54。

编辑: 张俊