


2016-09-22来源: 互联网浏览量:



  SAT: As used in line…, X most nearly means…

  TOEFL:The word X is closet in meaning to which of following?






  a) 平行关系

  SAT: (OG Test2)

  原文: Some argue that because the free markets allow for personal choice, they are already ethical. Others have accepted the ethical critique and embraced corporate social responsibility. But before we can label any market outcome as “immoral,” or sneer at economists who try to put a price on being ethical, we need to be clear on what we are talking about.

  14.As used in line 6, “embraced” most nearly means (OG Test 2)

  A. lovingly held

  B. readily adopted

  C. eagerly hugged

  D. reluctantly used

  答案解析: 本题中embrace这个单词并不难,是“拥抱”的意思。但是我们不能直接选C选项,因为SAT阅读中单词考察地是它在语境中的意思。根据and这个单词所呈现的平行结构我们知道embrace的意思跟accept相近,因此我们所选的答案应该是B:readily adopted.

  TOEFL: (TPO29-2)

  Paragraph 1: When one considers the many ways by which organisms are completely destroyed after death, it is remarkable that fossils are as common as they are. Attack by scavengers and bacteria, chemical decay, and destruction by erosion and other geologic agencies make the odds against preservation very high. However, the chances of escaping complete destruction are vastly improved if the organism happens to have a mineralized skeleton and dies in a place where it can be quickly buried by sediment…(TPO29-2)

  1.The word "agencies" in the passage is closest in meaning to

  A. combinations

  B. problems

  C. forces

  D. changes

  答案解析: 在托福的这道题中,agencies 跟erosion这两个单词构成并列逻辑,根据erosion这个单词,然后结合destruction这个词,只有C选项force是跟agencies的意思最为接近。

  B) 对比逻辑

  SAT (OG test 4)

  34. Society is indeed a contract. Subordinate contracts for objects of mere occasional interest may be dissolved at pleasure—but the state ought not to be considered as nothing better than a partnership agreement in a trade of pepper and coffee, calico or tobacco, or some other such low concern, to be taken up for a little temporary interest, and to be dissolved by the fancy of the parties. It is to be looked on with other reverence; because it is not a partnership in things subservient only to the gross animal existence of a temporary and perishable nature. It is a partnership in all science; a partnership in all art; a partnership in every virtue, and in all perfection …

  34. As used in line 22, “low” most nearly means

  A) petty.

  B) weak.

  C) inadequate.

  D) depleted.

  答案解析: 本题问的是 “low” 这个词的意思。这个词本身很简单,最常见的意思就是“低的”,因此关键是要根据它在文中的情境,找出其含义。定位原文line 22可以看到这个词的位置: “…or some other such low concern…”, 但从这里还不足以了解其真正含义,因此需要结合上下文。从lines 17-29可知,作者是在说 “subordinate contracts” 只不过是在贸易货物上达成的商业协议,然而国家并不是 “a partnership agreement in a trade of pepper and coffee, calico or tobacco, or some other such low concern”, 而应该是 “a partnership in all science; a partnership in all art; a partnership in every virtue, and in all perfection”。从结构可以看出, “such low concern” 应该和 “all science”, “ all art”, “ every virtue”, “all perfection” 是对比关系。作者用“all”和“every” 这样的措辞强调的是完整的、成体系的、大规模的含义,那题干中的 “low” 就应该是与之相反的含义。而A选项中的petty,有 “琐碎的、小规模的” 含义,刚好和 “all science”, “ all art”, “ every virtue”, “all perfection” 这些成体系的、大规模的含义形成对比。因此A选项为答案。


  Paragraph 1: Both of these conditions are often found on the ocean floors, where shelled invertebrates (organisms without spines) flourish and are covered by the continuous rain of sedimentary particles. Although most fossils are found in marine sedimentary rocks, they also are found in terrestrial deposits left by streams and lakes. On occasion, animals and plants have been preserved after becoming immersed in tar or quicksand, trapped in ice or lava flows, or engulfed by rapid falls of volcanic ash. (TPO20-3)

  3.The word "terrestrial" in the passage is closest in meaning to

  A. land

  B. protected

  C. alternative

  D. similar



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