

新SAT语法备考: 错位修饰

2016-06-23来源: 互联网浏览量:

  4. 2008.1/ S7. 3

  Chad wore his hat just as his favorite old movie stars did when perched on the back of his head.

  (A) Chad wore his hat just as his favorite old movie stars did when perched on the back of his head.

  (B) Chad wore his hat perched on the back of his head, just as his favorite old movie stars did.

  (C) Chad’s favorite old movie stars wore their hat perched on the back of their heads, Chad did too.

  (D) Perched on the back of his head, Chad wore his hat just as his favorite old move stars did.

  (E) Just as his favorite old movie stars did, perching their hats on the backs of their head, as did Chad.

  这题的关键点在于perch这个动作的逻辑主语是谁。Perch 有“栖息于,坐落”的意思,这里即为简单的“置于”的意思。原句中,perched的逻辑主语为Chad, 即解释为当Chad 戴在他的后脑勺上,人岂能站在自己的头上?同学们不禁又笑了起来。我们自然得知,应该是帽子戴在头上,perched之前修饰的应该是hat, 符合此要求的只有B选项(wore his hat perched on the back of his head). C选项则是RUN-ON SENTENCE, D选项犯了和A选项同样的错误,E选项完全是病句,主谓不清。

  5. 06.5 /S6. 9

  Professor Brand, who enjoys welcoming international students to her home on Thanksgiving, served the traditional turkey dressed in Pilgrim clothing.

  (A) served the traditional turkey dressed in Pilgrim clothing

  (B) Served the traditional turkey, dressing in Pilgrim clothing

  (C) Serving the traditional turkey and dressed in Pilgrim clothing

  (D) Dressed in Pilgrim clothing to serve the traditional turkey

  (E) Dressed in Pilgrim clothing and the traditional turkey was served

  原句的意思再次让我们哑然失笑,火鸡怎么穿上了朝圣服装了呢?和我们之前提到的“鸭子穿着蓝裙子”出题思路如出一辙,修饰错了位。一般而言,穿衣服的主语是人,即文中的Professor Brand, 他在感恩节穿着香客服欢迎各国学生,为他们端上火鸡(serve在此处表示“提供,端上”,而并非为火鸡服务)。因此正确选项为D. B选项的dressing用法错误,应为dressed, C选项没有动词,E选项引入被动态,前后不工整。

  通过上述“错位修饰”的真题分析,相信同学以后遇到类似题目不会再步入出题者的陷阱。要记住No garden without its weeds, 看似正确的语法题,其实玄机最深。有道是“不畏浮云遮望眼,只缘身在最高层。”多练习多思考,对真题多总结,自然能发现很多过人之处。

编辑: alex