


2016-01-07来源: 浏览量:

   题目:Is it foolish to develop or improve ideas or products that already exist?


  In many instances people attempt to improve the currently existing objects, both mentally and physically. These efforts are consistently galvanizing human beings‘ society to evolve, and shall by no means be considered foolish. Just imagine when would the Industrial Age come without James Watt’s improvement of steam engine. Instead of being foolish, it is nothing but wise to improve ideas and products that already exist. The illustration to this point lies in the history of technology and the evolvement of theories.

  When examining the history of science and technology, we may find a tremendous number of instances revealing the concept that developing ideas and products that already exist are indispensable routes to new eras. Thomas Edison had made improvements to the telegraph, telephone and motion picture technology, hence pushed forward the advancements of communication. As a similar example, Robert Fulton‘s alteration to ships brought about the combination of steam engines and boats, and along with the successful round-trips of such ships came the great efficiency in the navigation of the U.S, bringing great fortune to the society. In the same way, Without Henry Ford’s introduction of assembly lines to improve the working process of automobiles, the mass production of any form of equipment would never have been realized. Moreover, the development of the already existing never ends for Steve Jobs and his engineers has revolutionary invented new smart phones and led the already existing mobile phone industry to a completely new epoch. Such cases have been seen everywhere in the history, all pointing to the same direction that reformation of the things already existed can lead ways to the creation of new things: either new products or new method of doing things.

  Another illustration to this point comes from the development of ideas. New ideas as it may seems that great thinkers are always coming up with, most of the important beliefs in history had in fact come up from the formerly mentioned ideas. Astronomer Galileo Galilei was arrested for suggesting the Earth circled the sun, however such belief were not original but an instrumental support and development of Nicolaus Copernicus‘s heliocentric theory proposed decades ago. Similarly, the theoretical system proposed by Karl Marx has been regarded as an ideology causing a trend of socialistic attempts during the twentieth century and is still influencing the domestic instructions in some of the countries now, but when seeing closely to its nature, this theory comes from the development from dialectical method of analyzing events raised by philosopher Hegel a century ago. Along with countless other examples, we can see that the human development in thinking stems mostly from the improvement of former ideas.

  As has been noted from the history, human society is moving forward with the motivation of developing the ideas and products that already exist. Therefore, such improvements are definitely regarded wise instead of foolish.

编辑: wei