


2016-04-07来源: 啄木鸟教育浏览量:






  Should people's achievements be judged according to how much they help others?



  Should people be treated according to what they are capable of achieving instead of what they have actually done? (2012年1月)

  Should leaders be judged according to how well they treat people? (2012年12月)


  作为fabric of the society, 人们的一举一动必然跟他人有逃不掉的联系(be inextricably tied up with others);评价一个人的成就,应该看他给社会和他人带来什么(to give), 比如不顾代价和后果帮助犹太人的辛德勒(to shield the Jewish with a recklessness of cost and consequences), 比如Angelina Jolie,她说,“I honestly want to help.” 古今多少事都证明了:人对他人的帮助,是衡量个人建树的标准。




  2、这次的题目的问法是我们常见的,应不应该,我们直接回答yes or no 就可以了,对于这种直抒胸臆型的题目,学生不陌生,因为写作部分放在第一个section考,在心理程度方面,十月的考生是占优势的。

  3、Should people’s achievements be judged according to how much they help others?人们的成就应不应该根据他帮助他人的多少来评判?


  Should people’s achievements be judged according to how much they help others?

  Claim: Agree

  Reasoning: Each individual owes his achievements to the joint efforts of the society.

  Evidence: Sport and spacecraft

  Capitalism offers us a wonderful way to quantify our achievements. However, with regard to how much “value” we should attach to these achievements, opinions are just diversified. In my view, the best way for us to evaluate individual successes is to look at it from how much degree it helps others, for this is what capitalism lies upon --- the division of labor.

  Despite all the important roles assumed by each individual in their successes, any achievements, regardless of their influence on the society or what field in which they are made, should be considered to have been constituted by the joint efforts of the entire society. Thus, in attaching a value to each of these successes, an important criterion should be the degree to which they can contribute to the well-being of the society. For example, Thomas Edison, the man credited with the inventing of the light bulb, owes his success not only to his own hardworking, but also to his predecessors who answered for the calls of the general public with an innovation to replace the stinky kerosene and thus bulldozed a way for Edison’s final feat. In other words, it was those failed attempts that showed Edison the way out. His great achievements should then count as not only a result of his personal pursuit, but also as a positive feedback of the common efforts of generations of scientists, whose achievements are in turn based on that of their own forerunners. Therefore, as we evaluate Thomas’s success, we tend to view it from the extent to which it facilitated the advancement of human civilization, and the extent to which it helped realize the vision set by those forerunners who tried so hard to meet people’s demands.

  Perhaps upon seeing this, one might think that the introduction of this standard should not be justified given the achievements made by the athletes, whose contributions to the society may not seem as apparent as that of Thomas Edison, or Isaac Newton. However, if we take a forward-looking approach, we can see these athletes’ contribution as part of a broader scheme --- the society’s joint efforts to promote a healthy lifestyle. It was these athletes that helped spread the idea of competence, of excellence, and of teamwork. Still, their achievements would never have been made without all the sponsors, International Organizations around the world (such as the IOC), and all of those who believed in the role of sport in promoting World Peace.

  In fact, with the division of labor gaining momentum, and with a proper social institution put in place, as long as we strive for our own achievements within a legal and moral framework, we are accelerating the pace of human civilization. In this sense, whether we help others with our achievements can be, should be, and will definitely be The Standard.






编辑: liuhui