


2016-01-06来源: 啄木鸟教育浏览量:



  1. A-: Without

  2. Ab/Abs-: Away from, against

  3. Ac/Acr-: Sharp

  4. Ad/at-: To, toward

  5. Am-: To love

  6. Amb-: To go, to walk

  7. Anim-: Life, spirit

  8. Ante-: Before

  9. Anthr/Andr-: Mankind, man

  10. Anti-: Against, opposite

  11. Anti-: opposite

  12. Apt/Ept-: Skill, ability, fit

  13. Bell-: War

  14. Bene-: Good

  15. Bi-: Two

  16. Carn-: Flesh

  17. Chron-: Time

  18. Circ/Circum-: Around

  19. Cis: To cut

  20. Cli: To lean

  21. Clu/Clo/Cla-: To close, shut

  22. Co/Com/-: With, together

  23. Cred-: Believe

  24. Culp-: Blame

  25. Cur/Cour-: To run(a course)

  26. De-: Away from, the opposite of

  27. Dem-: People

  28. Derm-: Skin

  29. Di-: Apart, through, away

  30. Dic-: To say,to tell

  31. Dign/Dain-: Worth

  32. Dis-: Apart, away from, not

  33. Dys-: Faulty, bad

  34. Epi-: Upon

  35. Equi/Equ-: Equal

  36. Esce-: To become

  37. Eu-: Good, pleasing

  38. Ex/Ej-: Out, put out

  39. Extr-: Outside, beyond

  40. Fac-: To make, to do

  41. Fic/Fig-: To make, to do

  42. Fid -: Faith, trust

  43. Gen-: Birth, creation, kind

  44. Gyn-: Woman

  45. Her/Hes-: To stick

  46. Hetero-: Different, other

  47. Homo-: Same

  48. Hyper-: Over

  49. Hypo-: Under

  50. Il/In/Im/Ir-: Not

  51. In/En/Im/Em-: Into

  52. Inter-: Between, among

  53. Intra: Within, inside

  54. Loc/Loq/Log-: To speak

  55. Luc/Lum-: Light

  56. Magna-: Great, big

  57. Mal-: Bad

  58. Man-: Hand

  59. Mis-: Wrong, bad

  60. Mit/Mis-: To send

  61. Morph-: Shape, form

  62. Mut-: Change

  63. Nat/Nas/Nai-: To be born

  64. Neo/Nov-: New

  65. Nom/Nym-: Name

  66. Ob-: Against, in front of, toward

  67. Omni-: All, every

  68. Pan-: All, everywhere

  69. Par-: Equal

  70. Path-: feeling

  71. phil: love of

  72. phobe: fear of

  73. phon: sound

  74. plac: to please

  75. pon/pos: place, put

  76. port: to carry

  77. post: after

  78. pot: power

  79. pre: before

  80. pro: forward, supporting

  81. pun/pen: to pay, compensate, punish

  82. re: do over

  83. sci: knowledge

  84. scrib/script: writing

  85. sed: sit or be still

  86. sequ/secru: to follow

  87. spec: to see

  88. sub: under

  89. super: above

  90. tact: to touch

  91. techn: art/skill

  92. tens/ten: to hold/to stretch

  93. terr: earth

  94. tract: to pull

  95. trans: across

  96. un/non: not

  97. uni: one

  98. us/ut: to use

  99. ven/vent: to come

  100. vers/vert: to turn

  101. vi/viv: life

  102. vid/vis: to see

  103. voc: to speak, to call

  104. vor: to eat

编辑: qing