


2016-01-06来源: 浏览量:




  (1) lecturer开始分点说明啦,分类、说明原因等等;

  (2) lecturer开始讲故事举例子啦

  (3) lecturer 开始和学生互动了,学生问什么,老师怎么答

  (4) lecturer 或者 dialogue 中学生及老师的态度,说话的潜台词,语气等等。可以在笔记上作个符号表示,画个笑脸啊神马的

  (5) 如果能听出结构的话,要注意每段的首句话。



  除了听力占主导,托福可谓是阅读、口语、作文各分天下。LZ觉得平衡是王道,每天每项都训练一点,不落下,培养感觉,长久以来自然会有回报。(这个平均得…从分数构成上也能看出来吧= =)






  “60Seconds Science”很快很疯狂,每天听2-3段,有条件可以听写试试。对于了解科学话题、熟悉掌握科技文词汇,以及听力时快速进入主题的能力有很大提高。















  一些外国人发的帖子写的作文,后面会有coach打分并进行修改。套路没那么多,内容比较平实生活化,语言相对地道。看久了就觉得白人写文章还真是短小精悍(同是拉丁语系么- -),印度人文章逻辑严密文章很长,总之是有很多不同风格,有趣很多。Coach的修改和评语也很重要,读一读能从阅卷者的角度思考很多。不必每篇都看,LZ觉得,可以挑一个题目,自己写一遍,然后论坛上搜索同名文章,挑个分数高的,看看比较下自己和别人的不同,适当学习下。

  以前也背了很多分类的材料,用做例子。不过后来发现,考场上未必能想到,并且有时考官偏爱生活化的例子。每一段说理的时候,可以举一些身边的事情,但和主题要贴切,语言要流畅。(PS: LZ写作文不喜欢模版,因为套着模版写得慢,而且写着都不知道说什么了)后面附件里有楼长的2篇独立作文练笔。




  Do you agree with the following statement that patience is usually not a good strategy, we should take action now rather than later.

  Many people regard patience as a true virtue and contend that waiting get us more prepared than immediate action, while others hold the opposite position because they think that waiting wastes precious time. As far as I am concerned, in most occasions, having patience is a good strategy to get more meditation and practice before the opportunity comes.

  First and foremost, patience enables people to consider thoroughly. I live in a country where Confucian was highly praised, and Confucius argued that one needed deep and thorough consideration before action. In other words, while waiting, we are not wasting time but thinking out several plans in response to different stimuli. Taking myself as an example, I did research and went to the library for references when I was preparing for my graduation paper. It did occur sometimes that the material I went through did not appear on my paper finally because the point was not so related to my topic. However, the process of reading all these points actually helped me to extend my knowledge scope and form my own viewpoints, both of which contributed to the final paper. If I hadn’t read enough materials and written the paper in a hurry, I would have limited understanding on that piece of work.

  Apart from thorough meditation, waiting for action provides us with time for practice. Practice makes perfect. Athletes need strenuous day-after-day drills to hone their skills and dancers need several rehearsals to ensure the performance. Such preparations are necessary for each one of us when confronting problems. Practice helps us to go beyond current level and be at ease and calm when the opportunity comes. Except for few talents who are able to be succeed at his or her first attempt, most people need to practice to get preparation both mentally and psychologically.

  As I mentioned in my introduction that we should keep waiting until the right time in most cases, there are some cases that the immediate action values, especially when time is limited. For example, when facing casualty who are injured heavily in an accident, a surgeon has to conduct a surgery without hesitation. As every second counts in this case, the surgeon has to weigh between the time and the process of preparation. Nevertheless, in other cases where we know the event will happen, it’s better to keep waiting until enough thought and practice have finished.

  To sum up, it’s pivotal to have patience before events, especially those expected, as we can have more meditation and training. On the other hand, when facing those emergent events, an abrupt wise choice is necessary.

  Do you agree or disagree with the following statement? The most important problem in today’s world will be solved in our lifetime.

  With the advent of the new technology, especially the Internet, our world had changed rapidly. Therefore, many people regarding transmission of information as the most important problem in today’s world contend that the most pivotal issue has been solved. However, I hold the viewpoint that the most important problems are irreversible environmental pollution, uneven allocated resources and human’s desire to determine their own destinies, all of which are far from being solved in our lifetime.

  To begin with, polluted air and water are irreversible. As known to all, the rapid expansion of economics worldwide has brought about improved living standard, but on the other hand, it has occurred at the cost of damaging ecological environment. All of these damages can hardly be withdrawn. For example, a steel factory in my hometown is famous for its huge productivity during development period and alleviates the social problem by employing large number of workers. Nevertheless, current market has saturated and it is time for us citizens to sense the bloody heavily pollution within our city. Although municipal authorities have been striving to restrain and mitigate the pollution already made, they can barely eradicate it quickly. None of the current technology can be utilized to reverse the process and perhaps scientists will find an approach after one hundred years.

  Moreover, uneven allocation of resources has contributed to a serious disparity between the poor and the rich. Among any country, I can see poor workers who need social security to avoid starvation and affluent people who are insatiable about wealth. The same pattern applies among countries. As many countries lack water, land or oil, they are eager to fight, leading to many conflicts and frictions. The Gulf War is perhaps the best illustration for the case. Moreover, when busy with war, a country can no longer develop its economy and its citizens will suffer, which give rise to another excuse to fight for resources. Such vicious circle can hardly be eliminated as long as the disparity of resources exists and that situation cannot end in a hundred years, either.

  Finally, people nowadays are exhibiting stronger determination to control their fates. People begin to show respect for different sexual orientations. Previously, gays and lesbians are called freaks in my country and euthanasia is far from being considered. Nowadays, however, people are showing a desire to handle their own marriage and life-death decisions. Moreover, legislation authorities in many other countries are planning to legalize these behaviors by formulating laws. I reckon these changes are hard to be made completely within a hundred years.

  To sum up, because of these reasons above, the most important issue affecting society today cannot be solved during my lifetime.
