


2016-04-01来源: 互联网浏览量:

  ETS对托福独立写作的评分标准包括论证和语言两个方面,前者包括文章的结构清晰、展开充分、段落统一,后者则包括词汇的适当、句法的多样性、语法的正确,后者之中,句法的多样性是很多学生在写作中没有足够认识的,从而呈现句法简单单一的问题,这在托福写作的电子阅卷和人工评卷中都会使得分数受到影响。《托福官方指南》明确指出,一篇表达清晰的文章,如果句法过于简单,至多也只能得到3分(5分制), 可见句法多样性的重要性。


  1原句:When people visit a new place, generally they have two choices, either joining a tour group or arranging the trip schedule by themselves.

  修改句(非人称名词开头):Two options are available when people decide to visit an unfamiliar place, either to join a tour guide or to arrange the schedule by oneself.

  2原句:When I went to Israel, I had researched and read much information about the famous places.

  修改句(介词短语开头):To prepare for my trip to Israel/ Before setting out on my trip to Israel/, I did thorough research on the culture, landscape and religion of the country.

  3原句:When we went to the edge of the temple, our guide told us that this ancient temple was more bigger than the present size.

  修改句(介词短语开头):Upon finally reaching the far edge of the big temple, our guide told us that the ancient temple was even bigger.

  4原句:When we went to Kenya, we joined a tour guide for the grassland sightseeing.

  修改句(分词开头):Traveling for the first time in Kenya, we decided to play safe by joining a tour guide on grassland sightseeing.

  5原句:However when we have a guide, he/she can know where the lions and the elephants appear at that time and let the driver to drive us there quickly.

  修改句(介词短语开头):However, with the help of a tour guide, we can avoid venturing into the areas where lions and elephants appear for the tour guides would warn the drivers not to enter those danger zones.




  (1)人称:The development of science and technology makes it easier for people to learn knowledge.

  (2) It形式主语开头:It is easier for people to acquire knowledge as science and technology keeps developing.

  (3) 动名词开头:Learning knowledge has been made easier with the development of science and technology.

  (4)介词短语开头:With the development of science and technology, people can acquire knowledge more easily

  (5) What主语从句:What makes it easier for people to acquire knowledge is the development of science and technology.

  (6)非限制性定语从句:Science and technology keeps developing, which makes it easier for people to acquire knowledge.

  (7)分词:Drawing on the advantages brought by the development of science and technology, people can acquire knowledge more easily

  (8)强调句:It is the development of science and technology that makes it easier for people to acquire knowledge.

  (9)修辞疑问句之反问句:Doesn’t the development of science and technology make it easier for people to acquire knowledge.

  (10)虚拟语气:If science and technology hadn’t develped so much, people wouldn’t be able to acquire knowledge so easily.




编辑: alex