


2017-05-22来源: 互联网浏览量:


  Task 1

  Describe a behavior that many people may do in public that you find inconsiderate.


  A. 20160625 Task1 谈论一个【公共场合】的不礼貌行为

  B. 20170423 Task1 If a foreign friend visits your country, what suggestions about polite and impolite behaviors would you give your friend?

  Sample answer:

  As for me, making conversations in the cinema is extremely inconsiderate, however, some people tend to do it every now and then. A cinema is the place to enjoy high-quality movies, and recharge ourselves. So, what we should do is to keep quite during the play at the very least. What happened last week was that a bunch of high school students sitting behind me were talking and laughing at their normal volume during the whole film. Since my friend and I were constantly annoyed by the noise, which made it impossible for us to concentrate on the movie, I turned round and told them to stop, but they even wouldn’t bother to lower their voice a little bit. This was like the most infuriating movie-watching experience ever.

  Task 2

  Many people think that students study course materials more effectively by takingexams, while others think that students learn more effectively through doing other activities such as writing paper or completing projects, which do you think is more effective for students to learn.

  Sample answer:

  As for me, I consider those academic activities like writing research papers, completing group projects, etc., are more effective ways for students to learn both academic stuff and practical techniques. Although exams and activities have the same importance in final scores, the latter definitely requires more attention and efforts, so students tend to take activities much seriously. When I was in undergrad school, we had group projects for almost every course. Some of them were the defining factors of final score. So we had no choice but working hard on reading previous papers, searching for materials in the library, doing surveys all over the campus. Through this process, we learned far more stuff than just taking exams, like critical thinking, art of cooperating, data analyzing, interpersonal skills and things like that.




编辑: Buddy