

SSAT阅读备考: 诗歌攻克技巧

2016-04-05来源: 互联网浏览量:


  那么SSAT阅读考察的能力是什么呢?作为美国的中考,SSAT阅读考试的目的在于让学生在进入高中时能适应整体的阅读节奏。我们不妨来看一下SSAT阅读区别于托福阅读的几个特点:1.文体多样--除了学生在托福就很熟悉的客观事实类文章外,还涉及表达感情思想的小说和诗歌 2.时间短 3.近几年来篇章增多的趋势;从这三大特点就能反映出SSAT阅读考察的能力在于对“主旨的理解”即从宏观上来理解文章,换句话说,只要能读出正确的主旨就能秒杀掉一篇文章里2-4题的题目。因此考生们想在最陌生的诗歌和小说上拿高分就要先从认识“它”开始。我们回想一下小时候,当我们指着花问这是什么的时候,家人并不是非常具体地告诉我们这是康乃馨、玫瑰、百合…等等的花名,而是简单的告诉我们这是一朵“花”这时我们的脑海中就储存了“花”的基本雏形,随着成长我们才慢慢认识到各种各样的花。学习SSAT也是这样的过程,先从大方向掌握每个文体的特点,从宏观上认识它,才能更有针对性的去读取重点信息,而不是被动的接受信息,这样我们就能更好、更快地理解文章,把题目拿下。

  下面我们就以难度系数最高的诗歌为例,具体讲一下如何从宏观到微观来攻克这一类文体。诗歌作为传达诗人情感思想的文章,首先要抓住的就是诗歌的意境,给读者什么样的感觉,例如一首悲伤的诗通常以暗色调的颜色表达,而快乐的诗则会用明亮的颜色,除了色彩外,我们还可以通过形容词、动词和有代表性的名词迅速地对诗歌意境做出推断。在下面这首诗中我们提取出“rude”“embattled”“fired the shot ”“foe”“conqueror”“ruin”“dark”“memory”“hero”能推出这首诗描述的是严肃的战争、缅怀英雄的场景↓

  By the rude bridge that arched the flood,

  Their flag to April’s breeze unfurled,

  Here once the embattled farmers stood

  And fired the shot heard round the world.

  The foe long since in silence slept;

  Alike the conqueror silent sleeps;

  And Time the ruined bridge has swept

  Down the dark stream which seaward creeps.

  On this green bank, by this soft stream,

  We set to-day a votive stone;

  That memory may their deed redeem,

  When, like, our sires, our sons are gone.

  Spirit, that made those heroes dare

  - “Concord Hymn”Ralph Waldo Emerson


  The statements in line 3-4 most likely mean

  (A) the narrator is a farmer

  (B) the place described is a battle site

  (C) a crime took place at that site

  (D) the farmers described were all killed

  (E) it is a cold day

  With which statement would the author most strongly agree?

  (A) all war is in vain

  (B) farming is a difficult life

  (C) it is important to remember the brave soldiers

  (D) how a man fights is as important as how he lives his life

  (E) a memorial is an insignificant way to remember the past



  Life is a stream

  On which we strew

  Petal by petal the flower of our heart;

  The end lost in dream,

  They float past our view,

  We only watch their glad, early start.

  Freighted with hope,

  Crimsoned with joy,

  We scatter the leaves of our opening rose;

  Their widening scope,

  Their distant employ,

  We never shall know. And the stream as it flows

  Sweeps them away,

  Each one is goneEver beyond into infinite ways.

  -“Petals”Amy Lowell

  “The end lost in dream” (line 4) suggests that

  (A) the flower petals sink after some distance

  (B) the flower petals become trapped in eddy currents

  (C) the flower petals do not lose their red color

  (D) the destination of the flower petals can only be imagined(E) the narrator is asleep

  我们从上面这首诗的第一句“Life is a stream”就可推出诗人是借stream(溪)来表达自己对life(生命)的理解。回到题目中,我们可以优先排除E选项,剩下的四个选项共同点是都有提到flower petal(花瓣),而原文中确实有提到,接下来我们就将题目中的“the end lost in dream”与生命一起联想可以推出“the end”可能是 “the end of life”正好和D选出的“destination”意思贴近,而“dream”也和选项中的“can only be imagined”意境相似,综合起来除了D外,其他选项都没有更加贴近的意思,因此我们选出正确答案(D)

编辑: alex