


2018-11-28来源: 啄木鸟教育浏览量:


  阅读:three ways to repel pythons in Florida

  1. 用狗

  2. 用陷阱

  3. 用赏金猎人


  1. 佛州有很多水和水生植物,会干扰狗的嗅觉,并且鳄鱼或者python,会攻击狗

  2. 陷阱效率低,因为蛇总是待在一个地方不动,它只会攻击路过的动物或消化自己吃下去的食物

  3. 赏金猎人成功率低,有个例子,1000个赏金猎人一个月才捉到60条左右的python;并且捕捉蛇是一项很难的工作,因此需要开出很高的赏金,甚至是几千美金。佛州政府不可能拿出这么多钱当赏金




  The author of the reading passage puts forththree methods to address the invasion of pythons in Florida. From an oppositeangle, the lecturer points out the methods are implausible.

  The reading passage proposes that dogs areeffective in finding signal locations of pythons. However, the lecturer castsdoubt on the role dogs play due to the watery environment in Florida. Water andwater plants can diminish dogs’ ability to smell. Besides pythons, other wildanimals such as crocodiles, would attack dogs.

  Another option advised by the author is todesign traps which saves much human energy. In contrast, the lecturer in thelistening points out that traps are ineffective for pythons are relativelysedentary. They only attack animals passing by. They remain inactive even whenthey are digesting their food. Thus traps are merely useful for animals movingaround.

  Florida governments, according to the written article, can pay bountyhunters to capture pythons. The professor refutes the statement by referring tothe difficulty in catching such big snakes. Once a thousand of hunters spentone month capturing around 60 pythons. The payment for python hunters isexpensive, at almost thousands of dollars. It is impossible for Floridagovernment to offer the bounty.



  Do you agree or disagree with following statement: It is easier for parents to raise children now than 50 years ago?







  Parenting has never been an easy task, hasit? But compared with the situation five decades ago, some individuals believethat parenting in this day and age get much easier. I totally argue for theperspective for the following reasons.

  To begin with, riding the upsurge of economicprosperity over the recent twenty years has improved the standard of living ofmillions. That means There is a soaring in family consumption for children,both in quality and quantity of food, vehicles, toys and health care. Incontrast, many countries were undergoing the post-war reconstruction in the1950s when children at that time received limited care from families andcommunities. It is such a tragedy that a considerable number of kids died fromstarvation or illnesses. This case rarely repeats in contemporary society. Aportion of national revenue is allocated to subsidize families in baby care inmost countries, in order to guarantee little kids receive high-quality carefrom their parents.

  In addition to external factors, theeducational level of a parent is a significant contributor to the easier raiseof children. Five decades ago, conflicts easily arose between illiterateparents and the younger generation. Due to the absence of proper guidance and interaction,many parents viewed parenthood as an indispensable but scary task, facingcountless challenges. They could not figure out why their children grew intorebellious teenagers, disobeying their orders and even lying in some occasions.Modern schools have included parenting in the curriculum, allowing each personto understand the psychology and emotions of a child throughout the period ofraising. Today’s parents with advanced degrees prefer equal conversation withkids rather than a must-do rule. Compared to the fore-parents in the lastcentury, present parents are good at creating warm memories throughaccompanying the next generation in a relatively relaxed manner.

  To conclude, parenthood has no longer been the most exhausting job onthe earth in the current world because improved life quality and educationallevel of parents ease the difficult task.

编辑: wei